Chapter 44: 13:0 (part1)

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The Houdie family's master had personally left for Shilolin in order to attend the Supreme Court of the Star Alliance. Hints regarding this matter could already be found on Xingyou as well as other platforms on the Star Network.

However this was not a leak, but due to Houdie family's exclusive work. The purpose behind it was to pave a way for the following events once they win the trial and take the cub back. At that time they intend to take advantage of the fact that the cub had developed a variant ability and showcase this to the public in order to boost their reputation and status.

Xie Tao calmly sat down in his seat. The interstellar court was very different in many aspects when compared to the court of the 21-century earth. However, for the past few days, he had frantically studied and exhausted himself to the bone in order to mend this part of his common sense regarding this world.

The sound representing the beginning of the trial had already echoed throughout the building and from now on everything happening in the court was being recorded. After the trial, a permanent recording would be kept and filed at the Supreme Court of the Star Alliance.

The recording would also be shared with all the courts of the races who were part of the Star Alliance. If a plaintiff was not fully confident, they would generally not dare to stand here directly.

Of course, the same went for the advocate who would fight their claim and present evidence on Xie Tao's behalf. Once the trial began, the people sitting opposite Xie Tao on the platform were the first to speak.

Tapping the black cane against the floor, the Houdie family's master seated at the table appeared very collected and did not make any remarks. The man standing next to the other presented the case and gave an overview of their standpoint.

Not thinking of this trial as especially difficult, the man stated and pressed the simple core points once he finished presenting their stance, "In this case the evidence clearly shows that the cub belongs to the Houdie family, but despite this, the other side still insisted on refusing to cooperate. This behavior is absolutely unreasonable according to Star Alliance law. In other words, it's a violation of the laws of the Star Alliance itself.

The evidence was sufficient to prove the other side's standpoint. After confirming that the documents presented as evidence did not contain any signs of forgery, the 12 judges seated above in the circular venue had a slight bias in their hearts.

The trial required fairness, however, even though the trial had only just begun, the judges present already also felt that the trial would not have any suspense. It was a very simple and direct case.

On the Houdie's side, the man who had spoken felt that there was completely no need to listen to the other side's speech. No matter how much the other debated, it was impossible to dispel his rational explanation.

Although the judges and the grand judge had not yet made any statements, their attitude could faintly be seen from the inadvertent nodding of several judges, as well as the change in their expressions.

But either way, both sides still had the right to speak. When they received the indication that it was their turn to speak, Xie Tao stood up from his seat.

"A nursing club needs to be responsible for all cubs in the club. Based on this principle, I can not let the Houdie family take the cub back."

Xie Tao sincerely and calmly declared this. Standing upright under all the judges' scrutinizing gaze, he did not show an ounce of hesitation.

If only by looking at his expression, the judges really could not say that the other appeared to be in even the smallest of disadvantage. The young man on the right side of the hovering platform appeared very calm from beginning to end. Very calm and convincing.

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