Chapter 43

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Third person's pov

Alexander stood in front of rose's door. He had told her to wear casuals today. She had told his to not spend too much or try anything too expensive or fancy but he had still brought flowers. Even if he was nervous, he was still excited. It was finally happening, their first date. He really didn't know her favourite colour. He knew she liked roses so he brought one of every single colour in the bouquet he had in his hands. He tapped on the door nervously. It was five am in the morning. The door opened and his heart leaped like it did every single time she came in front of him. The roses he had in his hands were beautiful but the most gorgeous one was in front of him. She wore minimal makeup and was in her casuals but was still the most gorgeous girl he had ever seen.

'These are for you.' He said giving her the flowers. 'Thank you they are gorgeous.' she said taking them. 'So, should we leave.' He asked her. 'Sure.' she said. While they were walking together he debated whether she would be comfortable holding his hand or not. But he decided to stuff them inside his pockets. As it was winter it was still dark. He led her to his car opened the door for her to get in. When he was driving Rose asked him, 'So, where are you taking me?' 'Told you it's a secret.' He said. 'How long will it take?' she asked. 'About 20-25 mins.' He replied. They had small talk with each other until they reached their destination. Alexander parked his car and opened the door for rose to get out.

In front of them there was what seemed like a staircase. 'Come on, let's go.' He said to her. It seemed like a mountain. It was a nice whether over there. As they reached the top Alexander held out his hand for her as she climbed the last step. It was beautiful, oh my god. The scenery was breathtaking from the top.

She looked from the edge and all she saw was the beautiful nature. 'Look up, the sun is about to rise.' He whispered in her ear. The view was absolutely amazing. They just stayed quiet and enjoyed for some while. Finally Alexander broke the silence and said 'Do you want to eat something?' 'Eat?' she asked and he pointed towards a little shop which was made out of wood. Inside she could see that people were cooking. It was surrounded by little cute wooden tables and chairs. It seemed nice. She nodded and they both headed towards it.

Alexander gave an order of two breakfast regulars and two cups of coffee to a kind looking elderly gentleman who smiled while taking their order. While eating while enjoying the scenery around them they both talked and laughed a lot. No awkwardness or nervousness between them. It seemed perfect. After they were done Alexander paid him and took her to sit on a wooden bench. 'Rose, can we take a picture?' he asked her nervously while holding his mobile. She was surprised but nodded. He called the someone from that shop and requested them to take some pictures of the two of them. He nervously sat by her side and debated whether he should keep his arm around her or not. Finally, nervously he did it but to his surprise she inched closer to him and kept her hand on his while kept her head on his shoulder. His smile grew even wider after that and the picture was clicked. After that he thanked that person and took his phone back. It was the perfect picture. The one he always wanted something he was going to treasure for the rest of his life. He went and sat back on the bench with her. They both did some more small talk. He inched a little bit more close before asking, 'Can I kiss you?' scratching the back of his head nervously.

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