( banoffee ) y. morisuke

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yaku morisuke

    𝕮offee-dripping scents, honey pastries and cushion seats. those were the things why you had always adored cafe hours. you were the type of person that liked the lukewarm heavens that stained the room, it makes your bones untangle from stress and let you scatter out a minty breath of relief.

    you relish in its gentle ambiance, burying your nose on the pages of a book that drowned you in its euphoria. you were at ease, everyone at school who you were connected with knew just how much you enjoyed the cafe and its bittersweet cakes.

   there is almost nothing that could exceed your love for it, except for one. a beloved whom you thought was brighter than the stars that stray into the endless skies. his light brown tresses, mocha-dripping orbs and his charming grins that makes your cheeks caress into a field of strawberries. under the hazy blanket of sun - you had always thought that your boyfriend was always the dashing type.

     "what are you staring at?"

    you shake your head with a hum, averting your gaze that had been unconsciously lingering on him. "oh nothing, just looking at the selections of banoffee cakes behind you."

    his lips curve into an amusing smile, and you could've swore you felt butterflies exploding into your ribcage. "oh really?"

    "absolutely." you nod. "but care to tell me why you are looking at me like that?"

    yaku leans in to take your hand in his own. He lifts it to his lips and presses soft, fluttering kisses on it. you feel cold galaxies exploding on the flesh where he had peppered it with his soft lips. "oh sorry. it's just that you're adorable when you try to lie."

    "you tease."

    "i love you too."


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