Chapter 29

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My feet are heavy and my shoes feel like they have been filled with stones as I walk through Lucian's extravagant foyer. Today it is filled with people cleaning all the various statues and decorations that adorn this large profligate space that seems so unnecessary to me. 

It may be too early to tell but since I've been here I've never seen anyone visit nor has Lucian entertained anyone in his excessively large manor. He has always been busy working, in fact I have never even seen him lounging here himself. 

I notice that most of the people wiping and dusting off surfaces are humans monitored by Plutonians. I don't miss the small snap guns attached to their waste bands and it makes me walk even faster. A young girl who looks to be around eleven years old looks at me in surprise as I walk past her and the small trinket she has been wiping slips through her hand and shatters on the cold marble floor. 

"You idiot. Do you know how much that costs!" Her supervisor reaches us and he takes out the snap gun from his side. He grabs her hand and presses the tip of the snap gun to her forearm and the smell of burning flesh permeates through the air immediately.

I feel my lunch inch its way up my throat and although I am equally as frightened of this Plutonian a small shriek escapes my mouth and I grab his hand without thinking. 

He immediately releases the girl and shakes his hand out of mine. He rubs his skin and glares at me like he had just been touched by poison.

"It's not her fault. I distracted her," I say in shaky voice. Blood thumps in my ears as we both look at each other in shock. I can't believe that I am talking back to a Plutonian and apparently neither can he.

"You may be a fighter and Master Lucian's mistress but you are still a human. You should know your place and never interfere with a our affairs," He is seething now as he walks up to me. He looks down at me condescendingly but I don't cower like I expect myself to. 

Instead I bend down and gather the broken pieces in my hands. 

"Why you little--," The Plutonian grabs my arm and yanks me up to face him. He raises his hand in the air looking like he is going to hit me but then he pauses in mid air. Around us the room is so silent, the only sound I hear is the whimpering of the small girl who has just been punished. Everyone is staring at us and I brace myself for the searing pain of his fist connecting with my face but it never happens. 

Instead he releases me looking unsure of himself and I gather the last few pieces in my hands.

"There it's settled," I shrug at him and walk away from the hall, my entire body shaking as I feel his eyes burn two holes into my back. 

"The committee will hear about this!" He shouts after me angrily but I carry on walking as if I never heard him. 

My skin burns as I walk into Lucian's bedroom expecting to see him there. 

There is so much I want to say to him. I need him to train me to defeat Leslie. I don't care if I have to watch all of his video's to be prepared. Right now my blood is boiling with rage. It doesn't matter what I do or who I have to defeat. 

The end result should be that I join the army and leave this God forsaken place so that I can inform the people on Earth what has been happening under their noses for years. That their children are being stolen from their families and made to work as slaves. 

I have to take in a huge breath to calm myself. The Plutonian supervisor burnt that little girls skin for breaking a small useless trinket that Lucian probably doesn't even remember having. The whole thing made me so mad all I could see was red. 

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