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"Finally I can leave" I sighed as I changed into another shirt.

It's been two days since I woke up but I had convinced everyone that I would be okay at home.

Dean had somehow managed to convince mom to stay home. With all that's happening with dad it's best for her to stay there.

"Have you been badly hurt many times before?" Rosy asked looking at my upper body.

"Yes, I tend to be pretty reckless sometimes" I chuckled.

I had scars, but I didn't think they were than much of a deal.

That's when a question popped into my head and I glanced at her.

"Do you have scars?" I asked her.

She seemed surprised, but her face fell and she looked down.

"Most of them are burns but yes"

"Burns from what?"


That's it he's dead. I can't wait to go to his cell and torture him to death.

"Are you going to kill him?" She asked.

I looked down. I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to scare her, but I didn't want to lie to her either.

"Yes" I decided to say as I looked up at her.

"Are you sure?"

"Do you want him alive?" I asked clenching my jaw.

I couldn't help but feel a little jealous. Cole was her first and he took her when she was really young, but he was so terrible to her. She didn't care about him right?

"N-no, I just don't want you to regret it, but I guess you've done it before" She said quietly.

"You're not scared of me right?" I asked walking closer to her.

"Of course not" She said with a soft smile.

"I'll stop if you want. I'll get an actual job a-and-"

"Nate you can do whatever you want. I don't want to force you"

"I want you to be happy"

"Deal with your father and everything that's happening first then we can figure it out"

"He keeps getting in my way" I sighed.

I wanted to find her parents and then get a new apartment for us and be with her and he was ruining it for me.

"Come on, let's go" Ares said walking in, "Time to go back home"

I decided to leave my old apartment and get a new one. People knew where I lived now and I didn't want anyone getting in my way in the future.

We would stay at the mob house until we found a new home. I just had to tell Rosy now.

We got in the car with Leo as our driver. I got in the back with Rosy not wanting to leave her alone and decided to tell her about where we would be staying.

She was staring out the window with no emotion on her face. I took the time to admire her while she wasn't looking and then touched her hand.

"Hey Rosy. I need to tell you something"

"What is it?" She asked instantly getting worried.

"We won't be staying at my apartment"

"W-why?" She asked.

"I just don't want to go back there after everything that happened"

"And where will we be staying?"

I bit my lip wondering how she would react.

"The mob house?" I said in a question tone afraid of her reaction.

"Oh okay" She simply said.

I frowned, "Wait you're not bothered at all?"

"No, I realized home is wherever you are" She said with a shy smile and played with the end of her shirt.

I couldn't help but smile at that.

I love you, I mouthed but she was now looking out the window again. I guess it wasn't the right time.


"Wait we're-we're sleeping in one bed? Together?" She asked when I showed her our room"

"Well all the others are taken" I said.

No they weren't.

"Does it bother you that much?" I asked.

Please say no. If you say yes I'll feel bad for lying.

"Not really I guess. I mean we've slept on a couch before" She said before shifting her gaze around the room.

I want that gaze on me.

"You'll love it Rosy" I whispered in her ear and grabbed her waist from behind, "I will hold you all night every night", I kissed her neck softly hoping I wasn't scaring her.

I turned her around and moved her head up to face me.

She wasn't really short, but I was taller than her. I was taller than most people. Even Ares. That idiot used to call me a giraffe.

I stroked her face and leaned in-

"Nate, I need you"

That was exactly what I needed to hear. It was just coming from the wrong person.

I turned around with the deadliest glare and crossed my arms, "What do you want Ares?" I asked.

"I need to show you something" He said holding back a laugh.

I turned around to look at Rosy, "I'm sorry. I'll try to be back quick" I said and kissed her forehead before leaving with Ares.

The moment we left the hallway he started laughing.

I slapped his back, "What's so funny!?" I asked. "We were busy, you bitch"

"Do you know how many times you interrupted me and Serenity? I thought you were spying on us at some point. It was like it was your purpose in life" He said laughing.

"Yeah right, as if I would waste my time dealing with your life, peasant"

"I'm your boss Nate" He said.

"I'm your boss Nate" I mocked, "What happened to best friend huh?!" I asked dramatically, walking behind him.

He chuckled as he entered Leo's cave. Yes, I called that a cave because he was always in that little hole of a room with all his evil gadgets and computers.

"Don't worry babe I'll be over there in a few hours" Leo said on the phone. I held back my laughter, "Yeah love you, bye" He said and ended the call.

"Don't worry babe" I mocked and started laughing.

"As if you're any better" He said glaring at me.

"Okay, so we tracked down your father" Ares said making my face go serious in a second. "He's-"

"I don't care" I said feeling my jaw clench, "Send a team to bring him here, I won't waste my time going to wherever he's at"

"Are you sure?" Leo asked.

"Yes, completely" I said.

"What will you do with Cole and his father?" Ares asked.

"I'll kill them"

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Of course I am. Don't want them causing trouble. I want them gone. Completely gone"

"So when are you planning to?" Leo asked.

"Let's get my father over here first and don't tell him we got Cole and his father" I said before leaving the room.

I just wanted all this to end so I could freely be with Rosy.

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