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The ride was so silent. You didn't tried to speak because you felt Yoongi's madness. His behavior made you smile.

Aww, he's so protective

You stepped out the car and went to your room. When you were about to enter, a hand gripped your arm that made you stop. You glanced at Yoongi, head hung low.


You're a little bit pissed because he ruined your night at the party.


"For what?"

"For being immature earlier."

A smile creeped on your face.

"It's ok. I have to rest."

He let go of your arm. You shut the door and slammed your body on the bed.

"Liking you is wrong," you voiced out.

You sighed and shut your eyes.

But little did you know, Yoongi was still behind the door and he heard you.

"It's okay, Y/n. It's okay," he sighed and head to his room.


It was Saturday and you were so bored. You sat up from your bed and picked up your phone.


Smart ass


I'm bored!

Smart ass

Go play with your bro

Nah! I don't wanna disturb him. He's scary when I woke him up

Smart ass

Then, what is your plan?

Come here! Grab also Jin and Jimin. Let's play!

Smart ass

And what game will we play?

I don't know... just come here and I'll bake cookies and cupcakes^_^

Smart ass

Cookies!!!! I'll go! Be there in 15...

You smiled and took a bath. You went to the living room and found Yoongi with a girl beside him. You felt your face frowned at the sight. You slowly went to the kitchen not to get their attention but... you slipped on the floor with your butt first. You hissed in pain and that got their attention.


Yoongi, your anpanman, sprinted to you and helped you got up.

"Are you okay?"

You can sense the sympathy from his voice.

You rubbed your butt and nodded. A weak smile appeared on your face.

You glanced at the girl and rolled your eyes when you realized who it was.

Somi!!! The girl in the cafeteria.

You look back to Yoongi and glared at him.

"Did I tell you that I will kill wild and dangerous animals if it took a step in my territory?"


"He will teach me piano. Don't worry, I won't bite him," Somi cut Yoongi off with a smile.

"You invited a gorilla without my permission?" you sighed and dusted yourself, "Then have fun."

You rolled your eyes and went to the kitchen to bake.

Your blood boiled at the sight of her.

'Arghh! That slut. I will definitely call Jin'

But before you can move an inch, you heard your name being yelled outside.


You sighed and ran to the front door. You opened it and there were your friends.

Namjoon hugged you and was pushed by Jimin and he hugged you. You pull away and saw Namjoon frozed. You look where his gaze wad and found it on Yoongi and Somi.

"Are you alright, Joonie?" You asked, worried.

"Oh? yeah! I'm alright," he smiled.

"Hey Namjoon," Yoongi greeted and was received and weak smile from him.

You pulled your friends to the dinning and you let them sit. You sat beside Joonie and tapped his shoulder.

"What's wrong Joonie?" You asked worriedly and he sighed.

"Remember when I asked you to help me with the girl I like?"

"Oh? I forgot about that," you pouted.

"She's the girl with Yoongi," he sighed.

"Oh my gosh!" You covered your mouth.

"Why?" Jin asked while munching cupcakes.

"That girl over there, tried to steal my man and-"

"OH MY GOSH! YOU REALLY ADMIT THAT YOONGI IS YOUR MAN! I SUPPORT YOU," Jin exclaimed that echoed in the entire house.

"Did I heared my name here?" A voice asked.

You froze from where you're standing.


"Anyway, Y/n, can I have some cookies? I just want to give Somi some," Yoongi asked but you still didn't move.

"Uhmm sure," Namjoon replied and gave Yoongi a plate full of cookies.


After that, he left. You sighed and glared at Jin. You hit him with all your strength.

"STOP Y/N! Sorry," he cried and you stopped.

You sat back beside Namjoon and laid your head on the table.

"I think I can't help you Namjoon. Sorry," you sighed.

"What help?"

"For that girl cause I will punch her if I tried to step an inch near her," you answered.

"Don't worry Y/n," he smiled and his dimples in view. You pinched his cheeks and you laugh.

I think, I really do like Yoongi.

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