𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 || 𝐉𝐞𝐫𝐤!

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𝐅𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐬 Pope and Kiara made her walk beside JJ, she didn't know what they were trying to do, but if they kept this up, she was going to have a few choice words to say to them. So far JJ hasn't said a word to anyone, not even when Kiara asked him to take the cooler for her, he just nodded, grabbing the object and walked away. Francine didn't say anything either though, hoping that she'd annoy JJ so he'd understand how petty he's been acting.

     Francine was still carrying the chairs but Pope decided to help her carry the blankets, tking them from her. She was grateful for that, but she was still mad at him and Kiara for making her deal with JJ all night. She only prayed that this was going to be a good movie and not a five hour one, she didn't know how long she could be around the boy.

"I'm so glad that they're still doing this," Kiara smiled as she trekked ahead of the other three teens. She was only carrying a small bag now, claiming that the cooler was too heavy for her 'weak arms'. Francine thought that was bullshit, but she didn't mention anything.

Francine looked around, scanning the crowd for anyone that could tell her mother about who she was actually with for the movie, but the only threat she saw wer Katerina's friends, the Morgans. They were another rich family on the island, almost as well respected as the Camerons, but not quite up there. With Kent Morgan being a big-shot lawyer, and Sydney Morgan, the owner of the most expensive and popular hotel on the Outer Banks, they were filthy rich. Francine couldn't stand them, they were so stuck up, and the whole family, except the youngest son, thought the same thing about pogues as the rest of Figure Eight. Tyson was the boy's name, he was very quiet, and one of the smartest kids in Kook Academy, despite being a freshman.

When Francine first moved to Figure Eight, their only daughter, Cassandra, who was two years older than her, bullied the girl because she was a pogue. She was the queen bee of the school, well, that was until she was sent to a fancy boarding school in Europe. That title was quickly taken by Sarah Cameron, the kook princess, but Francine was still sure that Cassandra still held the spot as kook queen. She was supposed to graduate high school this year and Katerina wouldn't shut up about her coming back this summer, but the dark haired girl hasn't seen her around.

There was an older sibling in the family too, but no one has heard from him since he moved away to attend Harvard a few years ago.

Sydney waved at Francine, sending her a fake smile. The girl forced a tight lipped smile back and nodded in their direction. She couldn't help but roll her eyes when the woman turned her attention away from her. Pope, who saw the interaction, had to cover his mouth to stifle his laughter.

     Kiara sighed, looking back at her friends, "Keep calm, carry on. Back to OBX life."

     Francine rolled her eyes at the girl's choice of words, but the way Kiara was saying that made her think that there was some hidden meaning to it. Hasn't it always been OBX life? She surely wasn't saying that because of the hurricane. Yeah, there was a lot of damage, but they had a hurricane around two years ago anyways. Shouldn't Kiara be used to that?

She mentally hit herself for thinking this way. 'There are no hidden meanings in Kiara's words,' she repeated in her head, hoping that it would lower her suspicions.

     "Welcome," The announcer spoke through the speakers, bringing Francine out of her thoughts. Kiara had led them to one of the spaces closer to the front. "To the summer movie series."

     "You know?" Kiara spoke up after the announcer finished talking. She slyly glanced at Francine and JJ specifically, giving them a smug smirk. "Aren't you guys glad I made you come?"

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