Thirty Four

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It was morning already. Already? The sun had only just made its first appearance, and yet suddenly half the island was awake and moving. Of course they were, just when it would have been a whole lot more convenient for everyone to sleep in. Nope.

Luna had slept most uncomfortably. Her legs had been sprawled across Pope in the backseat, head tilted at an angle it definitely should not have been tilted at. Although, in hindsight, she had it a lot better than the boy sat next to her who she had sort of accidentally pushed into the corner. JJ had had the world of space in the trunk of the car, Luna assumed he'd have been the most comfortable of them all; the circles under his eyes suggested otherwise. It looked as though Kiara and John B hadn't slept at all, though she suspected that their unrest wasn't due to their awkward sleeping positions and instead more important factors, such as John B being currently tracked down by the police for a murder he didn't commit.

They'd taken to hiding under a small shed right next to the road, it was risky but hiding in plain sight had so far worked. Multiple police cars had come whizzing past at ridiculous speeds, and yet none of them had stopped to check what the sitting car was doing. It was the mumble of the radio that was keeping them updated.

Luna hated the radio, in fact she found herself glaring at it. She hated the way it crackled and whined, the way it would occasionally cut out, and most of all the way it held so much power in moments such as these. They were suddenly reliant on the little box barking announcements at them. It made her feel helpless.

"Good news to residents of Outer Banks. Dominion says their underwater transmission line, which will restore power to ninety percent of the area, should be functional within twenty four hours..."

A blaring siren indicating yet another police car, and they all ducked slightly. A second followed.

"...And still, no arrest in the shooting death of Sheriff Susan Peterkin. The state police have issued a statement regarding a local person of interest, a juvenile from-"

The broadcaster's voice was cut off as Kiara leaned forward and switched the radio off. Luna let out a small satisfied sigh, but it made no change to the tense atmosphere that grew thicker and thicker with each passing minute.

"Let's game this out." JJ spoke. She furrowed her eyebrows as he brought yet another rolled up blunt to his lips, was it safe for him to smoke so much? She supposed he knew what he was doing, she hoped so anyway. "Maybe you guys can help, being the smart ones and all, but...who are the cops gonna believe? Ward Cameron or us? So, the accuser is a bigshot developer, a kind of lord of the island, got the governor on speed dial kind of person-"

"Super rich." Luna muttered, eyes widening when she realized she spoke aloud. "Sorry John B."

"Exactly, super rich. And the accused..." JJ looked to his friend. "...Is John B, who is pretty much a...homeless sixteen year old boy at the moment."

La Luna | JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now