Random Information

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So, as I said, I'm going to add this as a type of "Yo, I don't want to answer the same question a million times over in the comments" update. (I'll probably update this over time or just give up, who knows.)

Based on the initial questions, I figure I'll go ahead and start.

1- Is there going to be a sequel/epilogue?

No to the epilogue. Maybe to the sequel. The sequel will not be in anyone else's pov nor a spin off. It would be a continuation of the first book, still in the mindset of Elysia. I've begun to write it (barely) and it's on hold. So be warned on that!

2a- *future plot questions such as "what happens next to so and so"*

Well, being that a story about an immortal being can literally go on forever, it just has to end at some point. So you'll just have to assume what you think will happen next (maybe the world explodes or something, but that's just me being morbid)...

2b-What about Xander/Aveline?

Obviously, their issue is well... not resolved. It's necessary for a plot I have set up for the sequel. If the sequel isn't written, I will maybe write SOMETHING to resolve that bit (maybe a short after-story). But ONLY if the sequel is cancelled!

3- That's a let down, bro. Why can't Elysia be a Royal and stuff?

Consider it a moral lesson. Some things are more important than a silly name forced upon you at birth. Also, it's vital for the plot of the sequel I spoke of.

4- Are you going to write anything else? (Besides a sequel)

Hmm, there's a good possibility, so be sure to check out my page whenever you'd like.

Again, thank you for reading the story! I do apologize if you don't like any particular event or result, but it is what it is. ^^

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