
Hi readers, 
          	I just wanted to first say thank you for all the love my books have been getting lately. I also wanted to let you know that Hang On will be taken down either tonight or tomorrow. Thank you to all those who have loved it! It has not been very well received lately and I don't think this is the platform for this story. As you all know I am working on publishing my books and taking them down from wattpad and moving on in my writing journey. This next month I will be doing a lot of take down and finding a space where my work can flourish and be well more received. As my profile mentions I am Christian author and have felt the need to move my books into a different platform and publish. To those interested in purchasing them, I will be posting updates on the release dates for them as I polish these stories up. 
          	Thank you all,


I absolutely love your book hang on, and when u publish it will definitely be one of the first to order it! So sorry that people are giving u a hard time but so excited they are going to be published  


@LivingRed Hey! I sent you an email! I hope this message finds you well! Miss catching up with ya :)


@LivingRed es ist schade, daß du HANG ON entfernt hast. Ich würde deine Geschichten gerne kaufen, sofern sie in meiner Sprache (Deutsch) erscheinen würden. 
          	  Mein absolutes Lieblings Buch " she danke.. " gibt es leider bei Amazon nicht auf deutsch. Ich würde es furchtbar gerne wieder lesen


Hi readers, 
          I just wanted to first say thank you for all the love my books have been getting lately. I also wanted to let you know that Hang On will be taken down either tonight or tomorrow. Thank you to all those who have loved it! It has not been very well received lately and I don't think this is the platform for this story. As you all know I am working on publishing my books and taking them down from wattpad and moving on in my writing journey. This next month I will be doing a lot of take down and finding a space where my work can flourish and be well more received. As my profile mentions I am Christian author and have felt the need to move my books into a different platform and publish. To those interested in purchasing them, I will be posting updates on the release dates for them as I polish these stories up. 
          Thank you all,


I absolutely love your book hang on, and when u publish it will definitely be one of the first to order it! So sorry that people are giving u a hard time but so excited they are going to be published  


@LivingRed Hey! I sent you an email! I hope this message finds you well! Miss catching up with ya :)


@LivingRed es ist schade, daß du HANG ON entfernt hast. Ich würde deine Geschichten gerne kaufen, sofern sie in meiner Sprache (Deutsch) erscheinen würden. 
            Mein absolutes Lieblings Buch " she danke.. " gibt es leider bei Amazon nicht auf deutsch. Ich würde es furchtbar gerne wieder lesen


Hello Everyone, 
          Due to writers trying to steal my concept for The Scythe's Reaper I have taken the story down indefinitely. I am sorry for all those who were reading it, but know I am working very hard to rewrite it and find an agent for it so that I can send it into publishers. I am no longer comfortable with my work being on Wattpad and will be removing my stories one at a time. I am very sorry to all my followers, but I hope you all will continue to support me in my writing journey. I will be creating social media profiles for you all to keep an eye out for when my stories are published. I will keep my profile up on here, but in time my stories will be removed when I have the time. I loved this platform but feel like it's time to move on and take my writing journey more seriously and protect my writing. I hope you all will understand. 
          Thank you,


PLEASE let me know when you publish your works. I want all of them! I literally only use this app to read your stories.  Sorry to see you go, but as a writer I understand. It’s great you are protecting your work!


I’m so sorry to hear that that’s awful , I will miss you on here but will still be buying your books when there published ♥️


@LivingRed, I'm so sorry to hear that. I've read some of your work and enjoyed it. I hope to read more in the future, even if it's off here. 


Hi, my lovely readers!!!! BIG ANNOUCEMENT!!!!!
          I hope you all had a wonderful holiday! I'm so sorry for going on hiatus, but that is definitely my busiest time of year! But it is also the best :) 
          With the New Year and after doing a lot of thinking, I have decided to dive fully into self-publishing. With that, I will only focus on writing one story and updating it once a week. I'm not sure what one, but if you all would like to tell me your preferred one, it will help me come to a decision :) 
          For now, I am knee-deep in my final rounds of editing for PWMAS!!!! The cover is done, and I am absolutely in love with it!!! I will update it for you all to see today! My goal is to have it published on VALENTINE'S DAY!!!! 
          The sad news is that PWMAS will be coming down next week. So, if anyone is reading it, this will be your last week! 
          Well, that's it from me! I hope you all are having a blessed day and are excited for the release of PWMAS!!!!


@LivingRed Whatever book you choose first to finish will do, I'm reading most of them


So happy you’ve decided what you wanted to do !!! I’m so excited I can’t wait to buy all your books ❤️ choose whatever book works for you I love them all !!!


@LivingRed sooo happy for you!!♥️ Would loveee updates for Miss Morgan and the Gypsy or Don't give up can't decide which one I like more


Hi there! Thank you so much for the kind follow. Can't wait to start reading your (amazing) works! <33


@LivingRed Cool, I'll check it out!


@seven_hues well, Paint With Me Among the Shadows is going to come down next week because I will be publishing it on Amazon, so if you'd like to read that, you can! Or if you want a historical romance, you can check out A Rebel for the Bounty, or if you like college romance there's Hang On, or there is a romcom you can read called And He's Back:) whatever you chose!


@LivingRed Any work of yours that you suggest me to read?


Hi,my readers! I am very sorry but this week I'm going to be incredibly busy and won't be able to write as much. I will be updating Beyond the Cerulean Waves and Don't Give Up, but it will be later in the week.just wanted to give you all a heads up :)


@LivingRed No worries ❤️ Hope that you have an enjoyable week at least! 




HIGH JINKS UPDATE!!!  The snippet is below! I am off to work on Beyond the Cerulean Waves!
          "So, you think he's sexy?"
          "Oh absolutely," Rasheed responds. "I mean he's the second sexiest guy here."
          "Right, other than Beau."
          Rasheed's dark gaze shifts to me, mischief and amusement glinting as cute wrinkles appear at the corner of his lids. Beautiful is not a good enough word to describe how attractive his eyes are. No, they aren't piercing like Beau's, but they're deep, devouring, an endless pool of darkness that I wouldn't mind getting lost in. Not like a void, though, more like the comforting darkness of sleep.
          His smirk turns into a soul-crushing smile. "Sure, other than Beau."


UPDATE! Sorry but due to my characters, especially Luke, having a mind of his own, I had to sit on this chapter.  Here is a little snippet for Relentless Pursuit! I am off to work on High Jinks now :) 
          My gaze moves at the same time her face turns to mine. The space between us is fragile, so thin, my breath mingles with hers and her eyes widen at our closeness. Her arm drops, but before she can move away, my hand moves, knuckles under her chin, thumb pressing on her lips and she stills, mouth slightly open and those beautiful tawny-green eyes shocked at my sudden grip. 
          I like the color of her lips. "Luke?"
          "Mm?" I voice with a closed mouth. 
          "What are you doing?"
          I'm locked in on the soft pink bow of her lips, have been the whole time. My thumb slides over her parted mouth. "Thinking about how I want to kiss you right now."


Love it! Can't wait for more!


Yes, yes, yes!! I am so happy. I can’t wait for the actual update!❤️