
Hey Everyone!
          	I'm so excited to announce that "In My Neighbor's Bed" has just reached 100k views! Thank you all so much for all the love and support you are giving the new book. I hope you will all continue to enjoy it as the updates continue. New chapter drops later today so don't forget to check it out!
          	❤️❤️ ❤️ Love you guys! ❤️❤️❤️


Hey Everyone!
          I'm so excited to announce that "In My Neighbor's Bed" has just reached 100k views! Thank you all so much for all the love and support you are giving the new book. I hope you will all continue to enjoy it as the updates continue. New chapter drops later today so don't forget to check it out!
          ❤️❤️ ❤️ Love you guys! ❤️❤️❤️


What happened to “My Suitors Secret”? 


@therealzyazmina Unfortunately, that story is currently on hiatus. Wattpad has recently signed one of my books to their original program, so a lot of my writing time is currently devoted to that. That said, I also needed a break from the SIMB series as I was beginning to get a little burned out. I promise the book will continue at a later date, but in the meantime, feel free to check out my new story "In My Neighbor's Bed," updated weekly on Wattpad Originals.


Hey ! I wanted to ask that can I convert your stories into fanfictions ? I promise to give you all the credits.
          BTW I love your stories they are absolutely amazing 
          xoxo ♡ 


@FUCKAssClown Sorry for the late reply! And thank you so much for the love. Unfortunately, many of my stories are contracted in one way or another and I cannot give permission for legal reasons. Sorry about this, but I hope you will continue reading either way.


Hey Everyone!
          As some of you may have seen in my previous posts, I have not been updating chapters lately because I've been busy with a certain project. And I am happy to finally announce what that project is:
          I'm joining Wattpad Originals!  Please check out my new story "In My Neighbor's Bed" on the Wattpad Originals page. The first set of chapters is already up and ready to read. You can either read the current free chapters and wait until next week for the new one. Or use some coins to binge them all at once. 
          Weekly updates guaranteed! The story will update every Monday around 1 PM so don't forget to follow and save it to your library to get the updates as soon as they're out.
          Thank you guys for sticking with me throughout this exciting journey. It's only thanks to your continued love and support that this opportunity even became possible for me ❤️ I hope you enjoy the new story and will stick around for many more to come.
          Happy reading! ❤️  
          LeighAnne (RipperGirl88)


i check ur page weekly to see if ur back i absolutely love love love ur stories and i was just wondering if there is any timeframe at all to when ur going to be back? 


@elizawastaken2 for the SIMB series specifically, I don't have a specific date. Sorry. However, that is because I am currently working on another project I hope to announce soon. Thank you for your support and patience during this time ❤️


Hello, Everyone!
          I'm sorry that my chapters have not been so consistent lately as I know a lot of you are eager to continue the SIMB series. Unfortunately, I have to start this post with the bad news that the series will be going on an indefinite hiatus. I know this will be disappointing to many of you, so I hope you will allow me to explain a bit.
          I currently have an exciting project in the works which I am not yet allowed to disclose the details of, but what I can say is that I will be very busy with this project in the upcoming months and, therefore, will not have much time between this and my regular job to make updates to the SIMB series.
          However, exciting announcement #2 is that I have finally launched a Patreon page. It is currently brand new so there isn't any new content yet, but starting soon I will post short stories, flash fiction, poems, and other exclusive content there, as well as make announcements about that exciting project closer to the date. 
          My current content will remain free on my page. However, if anyone would like to become patrons, then I would be glad to have the extra support as it will allow me to do fewer hours at my current jobs so I can dedicate more time to writing.
          Either way, I am grateful for all the love and support you guys have been giving me since the SIMB series first started. All of these amazing things are happening because you all believed in me and encouraged me to keep writing. Thank you so much for the support and I hope we can continue on together for many more years. 
          Love you all!~
          Patreon link:


@kelsyObrien in terms of an exact number of parts, I don't know for sure. But the current book is about halfway done and I have at least one more book planned. 
            Unfortunately, I have an important project I'm working on right now which, while exciting for both me and my readers, will limit my time to work on the SIMB series. Hiatus might last between several months to upwards of a year depending. Sorry, I don't have a more specific timeline.
            However, I can promise that this is just a hiatus and the book/series will, in fact, be completed. Thank you for your patience at this time and thank you for all the love and support so far ❤️


@RipperGirl88 hey! I have few questions how many more parts will the SIMB series will end and also when will you start updating again i mean ik you are going on hiatus but still we are eager to know that is there any idea that when will you return..cause you know curiosity is freaking killing me!!!
            Hope you're well❤❤


Hey I just completed the last chapter of my suitors secret and I'm so happy to tell you that you have a magic of creative writing in you. The way you have kept the sorry so gripping and the character development and plot is amazing.
          Also when will you post other chapters?


@KriteekaRathi thank you so much for all the love and support. Sadly, the story is on hiatus for now due to some projects I have going on as well as my job. I will be posting some other unrelated stories on my patreon soon, but for now I'm afraid it will remain on the back burner. Thank you again for your kind and encouraging words. I really appreciate them ❤️


Hi girl!!!!!! I love, love, love, looooveee, your books especially the stranger in my bed series. I would love it for you to continue such an amazing work of art.


@ChimdiyaEkele thank you for replying, I would also want you to teach me one or two things.


@ChimdiyaEkele don't worry, I am still working on the story. Progress is just a little slow due to other commitments in my life. Thank you for all the love and support ❤️


Hey guys!
          I'm sure some of you might have noticed that I posted several chapters to a story that is not the SIMB series. Well, allow me to explain.
          As you guys know, I really like to take my time writing the SIMB chapters to put out the best possible work I can for you. 
          Unfortunately, I took on a special project this month (potential updates on this later) that took up a lot of my writing time. Rather than try to push out a chapter that would be rushed, half-@ssed, and unsatisfying for all of us, I decided to postpone the next SIMB chapter so I would have more time to write it to the quality it should be written.
          I thank you all for your understanding and hope that you will check out some of my other stories in the meantime. The next SIMB chapter will be posted sometime in October.
          Until then, happy reading! ❤️