
I lied y'all it looks like it's gonna be Friday.


are you gonna post for down bad? (i’m genuinely curing i know it’s been on hold for a lil while now. i’m not rushing or anything just curious :))


@karsonromanoff I honestly have no clue. I completely lost inspiration for that book, but I'm hoping to get it back at some point. I guess the final answer is hopefully? I haven't written anything new for it in almost a year now.


Today I was told the shocking and tragic news that my cousin had committed suicide yesterday. I wasn't extremely close with her, but it still hurts all the same. It happened out of seemingly nowhere, and no one could have done anything to help her. 
          It is a terrible and awful thing, and it has really made me think about how much someone can be struggling without anyone knowing. 
          This will most definitely delay the release of any fics and updates for at least a short while, and I also wanted to let you guys know that my inbox is always open if anyone needs to talk. I'm always here. I love you guys, and please stay safe.


oh my god, take as long as you need, i hope you recover from that and i’m sorry that happened, it truly sucks, my inbox is open if you wanna talk. ❤️


@Simp4Wanda26 i’m sorry for ur loss, ik how hard it can be. take as long as u need