
Poems 1-3 (Hideaway, Who Am I?, Discordance) were all pre-released. Poems 4-12 are all grouped together and will be released all at once marking the end of Nostalgia Feeling 2, hopefully releasing sometime before May


Nostalgia Feeling 2 is set to release very soon! “Hideaway” and “Who Am I?” were sneak peeks and, in reality, I was not expecting to make the second version and was planning to only release these two and be done with it. But, because of how well the first one is doing, I thought, why not? A bunch of new poems including the two pre-released ones and I’m so excited for what’s next!


Today’s poem will be delayed because of how long it is compared to the others..there’s a lot on there that I need to get off my chest and it probably will be a two-part. But, it’s my most proudest poem in a while and there’s definitely a lot of layers to it. Thanks for understanding!


So, you know how I said Book 3 would be the prequel? Well…I’ve decided, and I think it’s better fit that I continue the story. I’ll finish the prequel once the main story ends. And who knows how long that’ll take. I’ll still work on The Noob on the back burner, but my main goal is to work on Book 3 of Among Us: The Story. I’m also planning on giving each book a specific name. I’ll be brainstorming, but for now…enjoy ELEVEN by this weekend; 13th, or more likely the 14th. Happy reading!