
hey guys it’s been a minute!Updating demon blood 2 sometime this week!chapters are done just need to edit them<3


yalll apparently jericho falls in love with Bans son in the manga???


@multifandomxbaby exactly I feel the same way that age gap I always pictured them having a master teacher auntie type relationship hopefully it comes out that she was confused or maybe just that she loved him since he reminds her of both ban and Elaine two people she loves and she was confused bright side I think mostly everyone ships him with that girl who kissed him ...although I heard she's apparently king and Diane's kid idk at least Maybe there closer in age then Jericho and lancelot


@multifandomxbaby I don't either it's just that you got attracted to a thirteen year old, at what 32- when you were 19 he was born, and that just don't feel right at all/ and then she confesses to a 16 year old at 35 she has feelings for him [ when she had feelings for his dad too] but I do hope he finds real love it's just that, you could've kept that you liked him to yourself and just moved on▪


@OfficialHiv well I didn't wanna day it so bluntly but yeah that's about what I wanted to say just nicer I do hope she finds love with someone her own age ..maybe howser or another holy knight who like always had a crush in her or something  again she's definitely not a bad character and I don't hate her either 