
          	THE SUMMER I DROWNED has been published as an audiobook with Audible Spain, and I have some free access codes for anyone who wants to give it a listen!!! DM/comment, and I will provide a code to the first five people to claim them <3


@ solacing  Hi, my name is Fatima. I want to copy your story and publish it in the Arabic language because it is very beautiful and there are many people who are not fluent in the English language, so I ask for your approval. 


@solacing Hello! I would love to listen to it!


Hii! Solacing I read street girl and it was seriously the best book I've read so far, I really really enjoyed it ❤️❤️. Hats of to you for writing such an amazing book. Though I started reading Ocean's (the novella) and of course it's good, almost as good as street girl. But the last time you updated was almost a year ago and it made my heart back flip. I really hope you're not deserting the book, cause I really wanna see El and Lucy get their happy ever after. Please please please please do update the book. Well bye ❤️


          THE SUMMER I DROWNED has been published as an audiobook with Audible Spain, and I have some free access codes for anyone who wants to give it a listen!!! DM/comment, and I will provide a code to the first five people to claim them <3


@ solacing  Hi, my name is Fatima. I want to copy your story and publish it in the Arabic language because it is very beautiful and there are many people who are not fluent in the English language, so I ask for your approval. 


@solacing Hello! I would love to listen to it!


Just a question on if you’re going to finish the sequel. I have this rule that I won’t read a story if there is a sequel unless it’s finished bc I worry some authors don’t get around to finishing the story and nothings worse then falling in love with a story then it not being finished. I didn’t realize there was sequel so I stopped reading and it’s kinda killing me lol. Absolutely love the story. A lot of the stories I’ve see. The boy is a bad boy everyone wants to be or date but this one the girl is homeless and strong and the boy has the anxiety and I love that it’s different. You are an amazing author and I really do hope you finish ❤️


@solacing cn you please update love or make a statement??


@2023haley Hi there and so sorry for the late reply!! I'm so happy you liked STREET GIRL... I absolutely intend to finish the sequel, it's really the "when" that is up in the air at the moment. I will defs make a statement explaining where I've been and why I stopped updating at some point XD