
Hii quick update but I temporarily removed Before You Go - Chapters 3.5 -3.9 because of... "minor" points really, but I noticed a small hole I wanted to fix and a scene I wanted to add to 3.6 (Finally thought of a way to not hate that chapter lol)
          	I've been in a slump these last couple days and finally coming out of it, so I'm >very< sorry to everyone who took the time read those chapters and comment. 
          	I'm a bad perfectionist and I can't keep writing once I get it in my head that something doesn't fit. 
          	I'll reupload the edited chapters, as well as the ending, and a peek into Chapter 4, once I'm at a point where I can actually be 100% confident in them, which is something I've been struggling with.
          	astoria <33


@theforestgreene NOOOOO it’s not true. That’s the inner critic/perfectionist talking.
          	  I’ve been there and regret deleting every time. 
          	  You are a very talented writer and I know we don’t know each other, but from our interactions, you definitely don’t suck as a person. ❤️
          	  I’m sorry you’re going through this. 


Hii quick update but I temporarily removed Before You Go - Chapters 3.5 -3.9 because of... "minor" points really, but I noticed a small hole I wanted to fix and a scene I wanted to add to 3.6 (Finally thought of a way to not hate that chapter lol)
          I've been in a slump these last couple days and finally coming out of it, so I'm >very< sorry to everyone who took the time read those chapters and comment. 
          I'm a bad perfectionist and I can't keep writing once I get it in my head that something doesn't fit. 
          I'll reupload the edited chapters, as well as the ending, and a peek into Chapter 4, once I'm at a point where I can actually be 100% confident in them, which is something I've been struggling with.
          astoria <33


@theforestgreene NOOOOO it’s not true. That’s the inner critic/perfectionist talking.
            I’ve been there and regret deleting every time. 
            You are a very talented writer and I know we don’t know each other, but from our interactions, you definitely don’t suck as a person. ❤️
            I’m sorry you’re going through this. 


Hi forest!!! <3 Were you interested in an r4r? Your stories seem right up my alley!! :) 


@MissShanShan Sure! I'd be glad to check out the other one. And I'd prefer if you read Before You Go (:


I also just realized your name is on your profile duh. Astoria*** my apologies lol 


Hahahahaha I thought it was cute :] awesome!! Any preference which one I start? Also I may unpublish game of love in a week or two as I need to do a full edit beginning to end. I’m sorry I didn’t realize you started until now!!! If we could read the other one just so I don’t have to stop you half way through game of love that would be great <3333


Hey! I unpublished Uncharted Territory this morning, but I will be continuing to read your book. I was wondering if it would be possible that you read A Kingdom of Tales (no pressure, you choosing not to read it will not change my mind about reading your book!)


Hi friends!
          Before You Go [Formerly titled "Every Place Between"] Chapter 3.7 "The Accident" is out now! We're at the end of the beginning, finally. Also, I rewrote this chapter like five times, IYKYK, so I apologize for the delay! But I'm finally satisfied with the direction it's going. Sometimes you just have to write what doesn't work to figure out what does.
          have a great week! And congrats to all those graduating this season!
          astoria <3


@theforestgreene You always work so hard, and it's so great to see you happy with your work! Hope you have a great week too! ❤️


Hi friends! 
          BIG BIG NEWS— Heaven and Back is slowly coming back— I plan to edit and repost the chapters by acts, which is about ten chapters at a time. I'm hoping to start chapter 2 by next week.
          !!!! "EVERY PLACE BETWEEN" readers— this book has undergone a title change. The new title is "Before You Go | A Prequel". Don't worry, the story remains the same. But I picked the original title long before I really had decided what the story was going to be about. If you're one of the OG readers, you probably remember when Heaven and Back was under a different title too. 
          Regardless, thanks for bearing with me.
          all love
          Astoria <3


HEAVEN AND BACK IS COMING BACK!! I hope editing’s going well, i get how it can be a paiiin 
            BEFORE YOU GO IS IN MY TBR! Will get to it sooon !! <333


@ theforestgreene  oh and I already started reading it oops lol :D not regretting that choice anyway (also the fact that you started reading one of my works when I started reading yours, KYAHHHH LOVE THE SUPPORT)


Hey guys! Unfortunately no update for Every Place Between this week as I'm kind of stuck with a major plot point... I want to get the rest of Chapter 3 written and edited in its entirety before I post, since it's a big one and I'm nervous about not hitting the points right >.> But good news, you can expect a double or even triple update next week, once i get everything straightened out. This is the end of the first act, and I'm hoping it hits the mark I've been building up since the beginning.
          In other news, I created an instagram for my writing! Here you can find more updates about my books and coming soon, extra content/media for the Heaven and Back series, like Sims 4 models of the characters and some of the sites in the book!
          Quick apologies to my R4R's. I've been slacking as a result of this little writing block, but I can't wait to catch up with all I've missed (:
          have a great week!
          astoria <3


@theforestgreene You're working so hard! Don't forget to take care of yourself, and I look forward to seeing more of your Instagram posts!


@sleepytinker5757 aww thanks gracie <33 that's encouraging, I'm so glad youre enjoying!!


@augtwy OMG yes!! Lol I have sims for all of them, and I've built the house! I might link some photos in the next chapter


Omg y'all Heaven and Back got taken down ):
 me because i just reread a chapter that made me cringe so hard it made me reevaluate my abilities as a writer, it was that bad. Rest assured it'll be back— but I might split it into two volumes (and some things will get changed) Sincere apologies to the few who were in the process of reading it but let's be real that book is long as hell ain't nobody reading all that
          Anyways go check out Every Place Between it's the same characters and doesn't read as if it was written by a chimp trying to sound deep :p 
          Chapter 3.6 should be out today or tommorow!
          all love
          astoria <3


@theforestgreene Oof, for a minute I thought someone reported it! O_O


@theforestgreene That scared me!! The sentiment of our work not being good enough is completely relatable though, and I keep having to remind myself that we tend to be our worst critics. I can't wait to see your story's return! ❤️