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"Where is he?" Callie asked, tears pouring on her cheeks. She couldn't wait any longer, she was going crazy and needed him.

"Hum upstairs," Wheezie answered, taken aback by Callie's presence.

It had been almost a week since James's burial and Callie didn't give Rafe any news.

She walked upstairs, then on the corridor and reached Rafe's bedroom. She knocked on the door and immediately opened it herself, not waiting for an answer.

She understood something was up when she saw him laying on his bed, looking at the ceiling. He didn't even look at her, he just kept laying. "Rafe?"

No answer.

"Rafe Rafe" she walked towards him and he got out of his thoughts.

"Hey Cal hum.."

"What the-" she saw two white lines on his desk and felt like throwing up. "Oh my god Rafe"

She made her way to his bed as he sat on it and she pulled him against her, hugging him as if she would never let go.

"I'm sorry, I love you so much" she sobbed as it was his turn to break down in her arms.

"I swear I tried not to do it, I swear" he kept saying as she rubbed his back and kissed his forehead.

"It's okay Rafe, it's okay"

"I'm an idiot" he whispered, crying.

"No Rafe you're not," she reassured before a long silence made it's way. She kept holding him against her.

"I came here to tell you that I miss you, and I regret I broke up with you, but maybe it's too late"

"Did you?" he asked.

"Of course I did Rafe" he smiled at her words and they both wiped away their own tears. "I should have been there for you it's all my fault, I know it's because of me"

"Cal no, I was worried about you, my dad got mad at me, everything was a mess. But it's not too late, I told you I'd wait years for you"

"I'm here for you now, I'm so sorry," she hugged him again, putting her face against his shoulder. Damn he still smelled so good. "I love you"

"I love you too Sanders" she smiled against his skin and he felt it, of course he thought she was cute. "Are you staying over tonight?"

"Not if you don't want to," she joked, looking at him in the eyes.

He was so beautiful she was even more in love with him than she had ever been before.

"I'm gonna need you near me for a while Sanders," he told her, pushing her to lay flat on the bed.

He got on top of her and gave her many kisses, all over, on the nose the forehead and the cheeks, before she took his face in between her hands and kissed him.

At first it was gentle but then it became wilder, as both of them had missed these types of contacts. Maybe physical touch was their love language.

"I'm" - "never" - "letting" - "you" - "go," he said in between kisses, causing her to giggle.


After watching a movie and making out a little bit, the pair got tired and decided it was time to sleep. Callie made herself comfortable under the covers and raised on her elbows, looking down at Rafe.

She didn't find words so she just kissed his forehead, before laying on him, wrapping his neck with one of her hands.

She kissed his naked chest many times before closing her eyes. "Good night baby"

And you've set | Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now