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Chapter twenty-two

Paige had barely left the bedroom for days, every time she heard a voice she thought it might be Seth, but every time she was left disappointed. Nixon had been trying to coax her out of the room but she refused, preferring her own company.

A knock at the door made her sigh, he was starting to annoy her now, “Come in.”

Nixon walked into the room with a bottle of vodka, two glasses and a pile of CDs, “I’m not taking no for an answer, we are going to have a drink together you need to cheer up.”

Paige sighed angrily when despite her protests he put a CD on and poured her a drink, feeling even more annoyed she took it off him and knocked it back. She wished she was back home, she just wanted to be left alone, there was only one person she wanted to see and Nixon was not him.

“I don’t need cheering up, I have my way of dealing with things and this is it,” she told him softly, feeling herself loosening up.

Nixon understood that, but the sooner she realised Seth was not coming back the better. He had been sending Marcus to check on her, but even he had strict instructions not to actually see her, he was to ask how she was and leave. Paige had no idea that Marcus had been visiting, he knew better than to defy Seth’s wishes, even though he couldn’t understand his reasons.

“Let’s not talk about it,” he offered.

Paige nodded her head she didn’t particularly want to think about Seth, even though he was consuming her every thought. Paige felt herself becoming more comfortable around Nixon as they talked about random things they liked and music. She stopped talking and looked at him with a smile, he was quite sexy she hadn’t really had the chance to admire him but now he was sitting in front of her she could take in every detail.

He had blue eyes, but they were nowhere near as nice as Seth’s was, and his hair was blonde but she preferred Seth’s black hair that always looked like he had just rolled out of bed. Then she realised what she was doing, she was comparing them and every time Seth was better, why couldn’t she just find something that she liked.

“Are you alright?” he asked her concerned that she had stopped talking and was just staring at him.

Paige nodded her head and smiled, “Yeah.”

Nixon leaned over her to change the CD over and when she laughed as he brushed against her ribs, he smiled wickedly, “You’re ticklish?”

“No I’m not!” she told him with a giggle.

Nixon smirked at her and grabbed her sides tickling her, Paige writhed around underneath him giggling as he tickled her harder.

“Well isn’t this cosy?” an annoyed voice came from the door.

Nixon let go of Paige quickly and spun around to face the source of the voice, Paige looked over Nixon’s shoulder and scowled.

“It’s not what it looks like!” Nixon tried to reassure.

He stepped further into the room, stopping just in front of the two of them and looked at Nixon expectantly; Paige was even more irritated that he hadn’t once laid eyes on her.

“Oh and what does it look like?” he asked sarcastically, his tone was laced with anger and it made Nixon shudder.

“Don’t even go there Seth! You know it was innocent you can read my mind!” Paige huffed.

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