Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Seth heard the rattle of his letter box, and then her scent hit him, she was outside his house. What part of stay away did that girl not understand?

He walked to the front door and grabbed the piece of paper that was wedged in his letter box. Opening it up he frowned, she was asking for his help to translate something, he opened up the second piece of paper and his curiosity grew, It was in Latin, the dead language how could she think he would know what it meant he had never learnt Latin, but as he looked at the symbols on the paper something struck him, it was about demons that much he did know.

He couldn’t help her with it and was about to throw it away when his protectiveness of her got the better of him. He knew someone who would be able to translate, but that person was someone he didn’t have any desire to speak to, someone he had avoided for a very long time.

“Time to wake up old friend,” he muttered, leaving the house and heading for the local cemetery.

He jumped over the wall to the cemetery and weaved his way through crumbling and collapsing gravestones, until he finally came to the place he had tried to forget about. It was hardly noticeable from the roadside, with the vines and moss that crept up the side of the crypt. The crypt itself stood alone away from the graves of the people that were actually dead looking neglected and worn through the years of bad weather.

He slid the door open with ease and scrunched his nose up in disgust at the smell of the place. Water dripped from the ceiling and onto the cold stone floor, making it look every bit as undesirable as it was. Finally deciding he had no choice, he opened the coffin and grimaced at the sight of the corpse, the shrivelled disgusting corpse of Marcus.

Biting down into his wrist he dripped some blood into his mouth and stepped back waiting for it to take effect. He leaned against the wall and watched and waited, a groan coming from the coffin had him lifting his head up in wonder.

“What year is it?” Marcus rasped, sitting up, his skin was smoothing out and his hollow eyes were taking on their usual moss green.

“Twenty-twelve, we might need you to get you some new clothes,” he muttered looking over at a now fresh faced Marcus.

“I tasted something in your blood,” he told him curiously.

Seth knew what he had tasted, but Marcus was an old romantic,  he loved the idea of mates and all that crap, so he was no threat to her.

“You found her?” he said climbing out of the coffin and stretching.

“I have no desire to make her mine, if that is what you are asking.” He thought he would end it before he started going all mushy on him, for a vampire he sure was soft.

“What have you woken me for?” he asked cracking his neck, his long black hair cascading over his shoulders and his green eyes shimmering in the moonlight.

“I need something translating, it’s in Latin and it is something to do with her,” he sighed.

Marcus’s eyes flashed with amusement, “You woke me up to read something? I’m so hurt I thought you had missed me?” he mocked.

“Just read it for me please and cut the crap, you know me, you know I have never, and will never have any desire for a companion. I don’t know how I put up with you for as long as I did.”

“I often ask myself the same question, why did I change a vampire that was so damn moody?” Marcus mocked snatching the piece of paper from him.

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