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one: pogues for life

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The group that used to be made up of five inseparable pogues, now only had four members.

The four gathered around the tree they decided was going to be their memory of John B. Jj finished engraving John b's name as well was his birth year in the grave they dedicated to him.

"To John B" JJ said joining Blake's side

"And to Sarah" Kie added

"Yeah" Blake nodded

JJ, Pope and Blake took a sip of their drinks to that while Kie dropped a box with of John B's belongings to the ground in the hole they had dug. That was the only thing they had left from him.

Weeks have passed and now the pogues had somehow moved on with their lives as hard as it was because there wasn't a second they didn't think about their friends. They found the most comfort in staying together, the four of them, being there for each other in those difficult times and that actually made them be closer than they have ever been.

But friendship wasn't the only thing blossoming in that group, that summer love found them all. Blake and JJ were even closer than ever, they were the envy of everyone in the outer banks. Then there's Pope and Kie, no one really knows what's going on there but let's just hope they figure it out soon.

"Pogues for life?" Blake asked JJ who was giving himself a stick and poke tattoo

"For life in my skin now" JJ replied "Want a tattoo?" he asked the brunette in front of him

"I already have three" Blake replied

"And they're all fucking hot but giving you one is a sexual fantasy of mine" The blonde boy explained

"Really?" Blake laughed to what Jj just nodded his head "It will have to be another day, I have to go to Peterkin's funeral" the girl explained through gritted teeth

"What's wrong?" Jj asked her concerned

"The Camerons are going to be there" Blake replied seriously

"The son of a bitch" JJ scoffed "Listen, we'll figure a way to make him pay" he assured his girlfriend

"I know, J" she nodded

"I'll see you later, k?" Jj smiled at his girl

"Yeah" she nodded after receiving a kiss from JJ

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The Woods stood some metres apart from the Camerons, keeping their distances. The scene was tense, not many people there knew what had happened to Sheriff Peterkin and the rest were just convinced that John b was a murderer when the real one was right there in front of them.

Blake looked at the Camerons, they even looked innocent with their sad faces. Rafe looked to his side in that moment and their eyes met, they shared a really long history but in that moment the oldest Cameron was like a stranger to her.

"Don't look at them" Jack Woods was the one that made his sister break eye contact with Rafe

"I can't believe they're here" Blake told him

"They have some cold blood" The oldest Woods threw and arm around his sister protectively

"Put your heads up" Jean Woods told her children "Don't show any weakness to them, not now" she said

"Yes mom" Blake and Jack said

"We cannot let them win, 'cause they won't" Jean added holding her chin up confidently

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"Here you go, for the prettiest girls in the obx" JJ said handing Jean and Blake their drinks

Mother and daughter were hanging out that the country club after playing some golf together with Jack who now was with Topper and Kelce.

"You know what to say to get good tips" Jean laughed

"Nah, I just want to win my future mother in law" JJ replied making Blake choke on her drink

"Woah, I think you should slow down a bit" Blake said

"I was joking" JJ laughed "I have to get back to this hell of a job" the boy groaned

"I have such a hard working boyfriend" Blake joked

"Shut up" JJ said leaving

The evening was calm and relaxing until someone started shouting and of course the fight came from Blake's brother table and Jj was involved in it. She couldn't hear anything apart from Jj getting fired.

"Oh, c'mon" she groaned after watching her boyfriend lose his job

JJ aggressively walked to his bike while a few people yelled at him to go back to the Cut. Before Blake could snap at them the blonde boy shut them up by ruining the garden with his bike and leaving dramatically.

"That's my boy" Blake whispered proudly

"You two really are a perfect couple, huh?" Jean Woods commented after watching the whole thing.

JJ had been spending a lot of night with the Woods and that was going to be another one. Both JJ and Blake could forget about the whole world when they were together and that was exactly why they spent every single second together.

"It wasn't dramatic" JJ said

"Ruining the contry club's entrance with your bike? Yeah, not dramatic at all" Blake said sarcastically

"Okay, maybe a bit but it was epic, you have to admit that" the blonde said

"I didn't say it wasn't" the girl replied roaming through her closet

The youngest Woods threw an outfit on the bed that was quickly examined by JJ.

"Are you really going to wear that?" He asked

"Yeah, tomorrow is the first day of school, I can't be dressed in a bikini and a shirt all day anymore" Blake replied to her boyfriend

"I wouldn't mind that" JJ said while standing up and grabbing Blake's waist from behind

"I know" Blake turned around

Their stomachs touched and their faces were just inches apart. It didn't matter that they were dating niw, the sexual tension had even increased.

JJ closed the gap between their mouths and quickly their tongues were playing roughly inside their mouths. JJ's hands found Blake's butt and the makeout session was becoming hotter each second.

"Holy fuck" JJ cheered when they broke the kiss

"You know what? I have an idea" Blake smiled "Wanna go surfing in the dark?" she bit her bottom lip smiling

"I was hoping for other thing but okay" JJ laughed

"We'll save that for later, baby" Blake gave a quick kiss to his lips

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