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six: scholarship

"I haven't seen you lately at the Country Club" Topper said leaning against the locker next to Blake's

"Well, I didn't think I'd be welcome there after my boyfriend destroyed the garden" Blake chuckled remembering that day

"That's true" Topper agreed laughing "But you should come, maybe we can play golf some day" he added

"Yeah! Sure, some day" Blake smiled at him politely

"GO BACK TO THE CUT WHERE YOU BELONG WITH YOU DIRTY POGUE FRIENDS!" some guy shouted in the middle of the hallway

Blake wasn't a person that could stay calm normally so she launched forward as soon as those words left the guy's mouth ready to fight.

"I'm going to teach you ho-

"Blake, calm down" Topper stopped her from doing anything

Blake just glared at the guy and threw him a middle finger before looking at Topper again.

"I had it handled" she said now more calmly

"Don't listen to them" Topper told her looking into her eyes

"Yeah, I know" Blake nodded

Suddenly her phone ringed making her look at her new notifitication. She expected everything but an urgent message from Jj telling her to go to Kildare High.

"Shit. I don't have my car" she whispered "Can you give me a ride?" Blake asked Topper

"Uh...sure, I have a free period" the boy replied

• • •

Blake sneaked into Kildare High School after Topper dropped her off trying to put the less attention on her as possible. She stormed into the library making the lady there tell her to shut up, but she found the pogues soon.

"Sorry" she said to the lady "Hey guys!" she exclaimed when she saw the pogues

"Shh!" the librarian warned Blake again

"Okay, okay, chill" she rolled her eyes

"Hey baby, you came fast" JJ pecked his girlfriend's lips "Haha, that's what she said" he laughed making Blake punch him on the arm

"You're an idiot" Blake shook her head "So what happened?" she asked Pope

"A guy from the scholarship comitee gave me this" Pope handed Blake the envelope

"Oh my god" she gasped whe she saw the wheat symbol

The letter said that some person had evidence that could free John b, but for that they needed to go to Charleston in a flash.

"Charleston?" Blake looked at Pope

"It's like an eight hour drive plus the ferry. How will we get there tonight?" Pope asked his friends

"We can use your jet" JJ looked at Blake

"It's not in the island" she replied

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