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Morning came quicker than what I had expected when I was suddenly woken by the bright sun shining straight through the window pane in John B's small living room.

"Morning!" Kie piped up unwrapping her arms from around my once warm, left arm.

"Goodmorning!" I chirped back, for a moment forgetting the events of last night.

And a good morning it was. I truly had turned my shitty night into one I could've only imagined.
Rafe had eventually stopped texting me after showing up and making a scene with basically, well himself. His words still weighed heavy on my mind but I knew better than to trust anything a drunk Rafe Cameron said.
The rest of the night made me feel more wanted than that Cameron boy had ever. I felt the want that I had always longed for, just in a slightly different way.

We need to talk

Speak of the devil.

Nothing left to say. This little thing is over. Friends it is. Rafey

My attitude was in a way different place this morning. I didn't need Rafe controlling my every move. Let alone my mind. If he didn't want me I didn't need him. It was time for me to cut loose those late night ties with the eldest Cameron boy.

I'll be at John B's in 5. Be ready.

I knew he would sober up sooner than later but I was banking on it being much much later. I wasn't ready to face him and his new found sober mind. But if I knew one thing about Rafe Cameron it was this, he never could take hearing no as an answer.

"Well folks, it's been great but Sarah's brother is back on his bullshit this morning and should be just about here." A hint of sarcasm present in my voice.
It wasn't long I could hear the rumble of his truck in the distance. This was happening, and it was going to happen now.

"You don't have to go Mads I'll tell him to leave"
Sarah sounded concerned and I know she was ready to send her older brother packing.

"No it's fine. It needs to happened sooner or later" I needed to face my fears.

A few hugs and I was out the door.
Only to be met with Rafe's blue pick up pulling rather quickly down the dirt road, once again throwing gravels up in its path.
A wave of anxiety rang through my body as I walked to the door, his eyes never left his lap. I quickly jumped into the passenger side and sat with my hands comfortably in my own lap.

"So what do we need to talk about" I started. I could see him flash his eyes to me for a moment before he was back facing forward, eyes glued to the path in front of him.

Just as he was pulling the gear shifter down into reverse, he finally spoke.

"Why did you leave like that?" He spat.

"We are best friends you don't just leave your best friend. Then to come here and let me make a fool out of myself. I know you want me Mads it's not that fucking hard to tell." There was hurt laced in his
words but my new attitude made it harder to notice. I wanted to love him and comfort him, but I wasn't the one to blame here.

"We are best friend Rafe." I started, trying reasoning with the boy in front of me.

"So Mads," he starts again, before I could even finish my thought.

"I think it's best that we don't do this anymore. Best friends is all we are good at. I don't think it's good for me and Emily for us to be doing this behind her back anymore"


That was all I felt in this moment. How dare he even bring her into it. They weren't even together. Hell, they had been broken up for months!

"Are you fucking serious Rafe?"
He looked taken back at my quick words.

"What?" Confusion laced through his words.

"Emily? We are back on Emily? This has nothing to fucking do with her and you know it. This was happening way before she even was a thought in that pretty little head of yours. You're mad because I care too much about you, and frankly I wish I didn't but here we are." I felt like I was stumbling over my words as I rushed out my thoughts.

"This is over" I spat.

"Even after you came here and made a whole mess out of my night begging and pleading for me to love you. It's over." I took a quick glance at him and quickly wished I hadn't.

"I did not" his head shook, almost as if he couldn't believe what I had just told him.

"You did and you were too drunk to remember. You're a joke Rafe Cameron" I spat.

"Maddie, no. I'm sorry baby. I just can't keep hurting you and her, she needs me. So I just think it's best if we are friends" He pleaded. Though every word he was saying contradicted the next.

"I'm not your baby" I wanted to scream at him but I kept my voice monotone

"Maddie. I love you and you know that." He sighs, reaching his hand for my arm just as I pull it away.

"Take me back" Was all I spoke, without a single glance given.

"I'm not taking you back to hang out with a bunch of pouges." He spat. Anger now very present in his tone.

"Take me back Rafe. Now." I was furious now and he knew it.

"Whatever Maddie, but know one thing. Once you say goodbye that's it."
I wanted to care more than I did in this moment, but I was so mad at the boy in front of me I would've done anything to be away from him.

"That's more than okay with me Rafe." I knew I'd end up apologizing one day, but not now anyway. He didn't deserve it.

Tires slammed to a halt on the long dirt road we were currently traveling down. The dust consuming the truck with this dry spell we had been going through.

"Why Rafe?"
That was it. My voice cracked.

"Why her?"

"She needs me Maddie, she's in a bad place."
His eyes still wouldn't meet mine. I knew why too, he couldn't look me in the eyes and see all the disruption he was causing. 

"What if I was in a bad place?"
Soft words, though my thoughts still flashed angry.

"You have me too"
He was trying to convince himself.

"Doesn't seem that way anymore"
A single tear full from my eye. It wasn't even about the love I felt anymore. It was about how easily I could be replaced with a single girl.

"Look at me"
He softly spoke as my eyes stayed present on my fingers that I was currently fiddling with.

"Look at me!"
He yelled slamming his fist against the center console of his truck.

I jumped at the bass in his voice. Something I had always heard but it was never towards me.
Rafe was always known to be a hot head but never towards me. This was new territory that I didn't want to be wondering through.

My glossy eyes finally met his dark ones. A slight gloss appearing across his own as his features softened from the once tight expression he had held.

"It has to be this way Mads"

And without another word he softly placed his hand to the back of my head, pulling me closer and brushing his lips across mine.

I'll never understand Rafe Cameron.

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