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I woke up the next morning snuggled in my thick white comforter with a headache that could've killed. The only down fall to all this partying was the mornings like these. I quickly popped a few Tylenol before picking up my phone.

If there is something going on with Topper dont you think you should tell me that. Considering he is my best friend, not yours.

And it was already going to be a great start to this morning. I felt bad, even though I knew I shouldn't. Rafe had done so many wrong things to me and yet here I was, worried about his feelings over my own once again.

There isn't. But even if there was, that is no longer your concern, at least I don't think so

Did you get a text from Rafe?

Yup. He's being so dramatic like I swear he's on something. He doesn't want me so why does it matter what I'm doing with other people.

I'll be by to pick you up in 20 if you want to go with me to the mainland to find a suit for midsummers

Yeah Top! I'd love to go!

Midsummers was quite possibly the biggest deal in the kook world. All the rich families dressed in the most expensive gowns and suits trying to one up their neighbors with dollar signs. Though my parents were never really around they would never miss a chance to show off their wealth and that was one of the many reasons I despised them.
Before I knew it Topper's jeep was pulled up in front of our big White House that only happened to be 3 doors down from Topper's own.

"So, you excited for midsummers?" Top was now turned to me as we sat at the stoplight that had just turned red.

"As excited as I'll ever be I guess. I just wish it wasn't a pissing match on who spent more money"

Topper knew my feelings on the event. Hell he felt the same way. But his grandad owned the country club and well this kinda was his family's event.

"I know what you mean Mads I really do."
Toppers hand patted my thigh as the ignition came back to life and passed under the stop light that was just now turning green.

"Who you going with?"

"Well it was gonna be Sarah, till well... you know. I was gonna see if you wanted to go. As friends of course!" He pipped up at the end.

"Actually Topper, that's a great idea. Let's do it!"

The rest of the ride to the mainland was filled with songs being sung way out of key and one too many Snapchat stories being posted. Today we were those annoying people, but we couldn't help we were having the best time.
It wasn't long before Topper's jeep came to a stop outside of a little boutique on Main Street.

"Wanna make this interesting Thornton?"

"Shoot Miller"

"I'll pick your whole outfit, no questions asked and you get to pick mine"

"Deal. 100% deal"
Toppers laugh was contagious as we continued into the shop.

The lady quickly had us in dressing rooms trying on multiple colors and designs of this years hottest new lineups. I was never much on being a "rich kid" but sometimes it had its perks.

That fucking Pouge and now Topper? You really are a little slut. I honestly can't believe you Maddie.

And with that my mood was gone again.

"On the count of three come out!

Topper jumped out with a smile in a tan suit with a blue tie that I had picked out. I tried to return the smile but I know he noticed it wasn't reaching my eyes.

"You look beautiful Maddie. Seriously, black is your color."

Topper had picked out a long black strapless dress with a thigh slit. To match Top my flower crown would contain multiple blue flowers with green accents.

"You don't look so bad yourself there sweetheart" i said hitting his shoulder lightly.

"I can't believe the Maddie Miller agreed to be my arm candy for the night"

Topper had now pulled me into a hug. Wrapping his arms around my waist letting his hands rest just above my butt.

"Better start believing it there Romeo" i said while smiling looking up at him.

I could've swore he wanted to kiss me. The way his eyes flickered from my lips to my eyes. Almost as if he was trying to read what my reaction would be.

"So are we all set here"
The shop lady chimed in at the perfect time. I don't know if I really wanted us to kiss. I just feel like we are too close and we all know how the last relationship I had like this went.

"Yes ma'am! Let us change and we will be right there!"

Topper stepped back from me slowly, allowing his arms to un snake themselves from their previous position around my waist.


"So about in the shop..."
Oh this ought to be good.

"I just need you to know that I wasn't trying to make you do anything you didn't want to. I'm sorry if that was crossing a line I know I got kinda close."

"Topper it's fine. You're my best friend. We know our boundaries"
But did we? A heartbroken boy and a lovesick girl. I had never thought about Topper that way but I would be lying if I said that I wasn't starting to now. It was a toxic trait of mine. Always needing a man's attention.

Before I knew it we were pulling back into my driveway and I had never been so happy to be home.

"Thanks for hanging out with me today Topper!"

"No problem! See ya Saturday for midsummers!"
I quickly pecked his cheek and hopped out of the Jeep.

Two more days till midsummers. I don't know if I'm ready.

Hey guys!
So I hate this chapter. But it's a filler chapter that needs to be there.
Next chapter is midsummers and Rafe will be in it trust me!

Rush | Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now