Chapter 6💋

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Jimin was furious when he dragged taehyung in the washroom,
Taehyung just stood there watching. A fuming Jimin cursing at jeon
An idea came into his mind and he smirked
Jimin looked at him unsure and asked
“What are you thinking, why are you making face like that”jimin asked annoyed, yes he could not understand why does taehyung stops him every time
“ are quite furious right now, and weren't you saying yesterday that you need some action in your life?”
Jimin nodded
“Then how about we do something”
Taehyung said taking a step towards jimin who did not understand anything
“First let's inform the principal that we are leaving early today and then bring the clothes from your locker” taehyung said still smiling
“Leaving but where?”jimin curiously...
“Just do as I'm saying, you'll know, go now I'll stay here”
Jimin just nodded and left
Taehyung stood there, thinking about what will be the next headline.
Most students were in the canteen so no one came to the washroom, ten minute later Jimin came with a brown bag in his hand and taehyung grabbed it, tasking out his clothes and telling Jimin to get changed, Jimin was not understanding the hell was going in this guy's mind
Taehyung changed into a black t-shirt, with black leather jacket and black ripped jeans, and Jimin wore a black top with black bomber jeans and compression sleeves on his arms covering them, soon as they came out after changing, they put their uniforms back in the bag and now that recess was overs and probably students would have been in their classes, Jimin and taehyung sneaked out of the college, without any one noticing them
As both of them reached in the parking area, near Taehyung's car, Jimin kept the bag that had their uniforms in car backseat and their own bags in jimin's car.
Jimin was both shocked and confused when he saw taehyung harshly kick his car number plate breaking it, whereas taehyung just smiled at him
“Taehyung what are you doing atleast tell me”Jimin said as he sat in the car, putting his seat belt on
“You'll see Jimin, we are going to have some fun”
He said as he started the car engine, storming out of the college premises
Taehyung was driving at a fast speed with a Smile on his face ,it was quite long after Jimin saw taehyung having an expression like that, last time it was when he tortured a guy to death and before that when he burned down the Min mansion..- wait is he planning to do something like that
“Are we going to do something bad..” Jimin asked as Taehyung chuckled and stopped the car, Jimin looked they were at the biggest bank in Seoul wait what...
Before getting out of the car, Taehyung wore a black mask covering his nose and mouth but revealing his eyes, whereas he gave jimin a pair of goggles and black mask that covered his whole face, then tas they got out taehyung opened the car back seat and took out two handguns, doging one at Jimin who caught it fidgiting.
He followed taehyung who walked inside the bank with gun, hiding it in his waist band, in a carefree manner
Taehyung walked to the cash counter, where the lady gives cash to thrones withdrawing, there stood a girl in last twenties
She smiled and greeted taehyung and asked
“How may I help you sir”
Taehyung smirked and took out his gun putting on the counter,
“I hope you understand what do I want”
The girl turned pale, she became horrified, she could not understand what should se do, the man was standing with a gun in his hand,
“Sir...” she stuttered, as Taehyung put his hands on the counter, reveling a chain bracelet on his wrist, with a original KIM Mark, she was almost on edge of Passing out now
“Kim heir..” she said making every oneook at their direction, the manager soon came out Infront of taehyung looking at him in horror, taehyung just smirked..
In confusion and fear out of stupidity, the girl shouted
“Help me!!!! Help me please... security..”
“Wrong move babe” taehyung said as he pointed the gun at her forehead grabbing, making everyone's breath including manager and staff members
Taehyung then went towards the gate of the room girl was, kick opening it and harshly grabbing the girl out gun still pointed at her forehead he turned to the crowd he
“ your knees, if you don't want me to burn down the entire bank of course” knowing who the man was, his orders were enough and soon everyone kneeled
Taehyung signalled Jimin, as he shot at the glass counter, breaking the glass into pieces, making people realesed scream, the security entered the bank, warning Taehyung to put his gun down, to which he just laughed
It was national Bank of Seoul, there was tight security but no one could do anything infront of the heir of THE KIM EMPIRE
“Dont waste my time girl, just give me what I want” he said tightening his grip in the girl's arm who looked at the manager who just said in fear
“Give him what he wants!!” taehyung then pushed the girl inside the office, following behind
Jimin had his gun pointed at Everyone, he maybe showing he was fearless but boy....
He was literally panicking
He could not understand what the hell was kim taehyung doing
It was actually rare of him to see taehyung doing such things ,since taehyung never took him on his missions and why would he like he wasn't a member
The girl quickly loaded four bags with cash
“Only thiii-ss much cash is there....t-the cash loading for this month isn..isn't done yet” she said shivering
“Uhh huh I came at the wrong day, anyway lady, this will do now come out, quickly and load in the car outside” she could only lift two bags at once, taehyung sighed and came out pointing gun at manager he signalled him to go in, the managers Nd girl both held the bags and walked out of the office, taehyung pulled the girl by her arm harshly making here walk inn front,
He came out, glancing at Jimin who soon followed taehyung walking out in a way that he still pointed the gun at kneeling down people and helpess security who just stood there, they did not have the guts to stop that one man
They both quickly walked out of the bank, as the girl loaded cash in the car's backseat, and they heard the police car siren when the girl finally sighed in relief, but the manager was still horrified
He smiled at seeing her relaxed self and the police car arriving without wasting a moment, Jimin pushed the girl back making her fall down and glared at the manager, as both sat in the car, starting the engine, four police car following them, they stormed off
“What the fuck Kim taehyung, what did you made me do, the police is following us”
“Here begins the real fun...”kim taehyung said laughing manically and driving fast at the highway overtaking all the cars as police cars behind him, as if racing the police trying to not hurt any one else in process whereas Kim just did not care, as he saw in the mirror one of the car coming close to him, the distance was very less between his an the police car, he grabbed a shocked jimin's hand putting it on the steering wheel,
“Control it” all he said, he took out his head and upper half out of the car window, standing up and smirking pointing the gun at the police car, following them, he shot at the glass window of the car making the glass smash into peices, the driver tried dodging the bullets  that Kim was continuously shooting, he then shot at the the car multiple times, attacking it, as the police driver's attention diverted making the car lose control and fall off the highway border, on the road below before blasting off, Kim taehyung chuckled manically, getting in facing a horrified Jimin who was shaking, and struggling with the steering wheel, soon Taehyung took over control as Jimin stared at him as if he was crazy, the car raced on the highway, as two more police car Joined the ones following behind
“Its getting even more fun, jimin is this much action enough or should we do something else too” taehyung said the last part smirking, rashly driving
“Kim fucking Taehyung, you crazy god what will we do, five cars are there, do something, your dad will be pissed off if he gets to know” taehyung just ignored it and said
“Get ready Jimin...” taehyung said as he sped up more
“Wait...-what” before Jimin could complete his sentence, taehyung suddenly turned the steering wheel bringing the car in the edge of the road near the highway border, crashing it, breaking the border, the car flew jumped down from the highway on the road,landing reclessly below on the road, literally losing balance, making Jimin let out the loudest scream and taehyung craziest laugh.
Taehyung again sped up, making Jimin shout at him “taehyung get me out of this I don't wanna fucking Di...-” before he could complete his sentence taehyung abruptly stopped the car and cursed under his breath as Jimin looked up, his eyes widen 4 police car, Infront of them on the end of the road, and 6 officers pointing their gun towards the car, stranding a a distance, taehyung cannot move back there were police cars even behind him
He hissed “Did not expect the fuckers to catch me”
“What...what are we going to do now”jimin panicked
As a police chief spoke in megaphone
“come out, quickly if don't want to get hurt, get out”
Taehyung smirked the scene was quite good right now
There was a huge traffic jam behind the police car, that were to stop him from running in the backwards direction,
And four Infront of them, with six officers ready to shoot any time, their guns loaded
“Listen..-” the officer stopped when he saw the car door opening he maintained the distance
Jimin was shocked well as terrified, taehyung was getting out he was terrified for his friend, and more over if they get caught then there is no way taehyung's dad would not get involved it would all lead to a big matter, he was brought back o reality when he noticed taehyung had already stepped out, without wasting a moment he too stepped out of the car, walking near Taehyung who still had his mask on, of course he could not leave him to suffer alone
Jimin was literally panicking, but as he glanced at taehyung he could se he was as relaxed as he could be
Jimin looked back, and saw the police there pointing gun at them too,the traffic crowds was still there,  obviously they were behind the police car, but they were yet seeing the way, actually taehyung and Jimin had their back facing them, so the people in traffic could not really see what was going on, since they were far too
“Quickly remove the mask and raise your hands both of you”
The police officer spoke again as he Jimin glanced towards taehyung to see that he was doing nothing
“This is the last time, we will shoot you” the officer said loudly in the megaphone
Taehyung ignoring the situation, raised his hand bringing towards his ears and slowly removing one side of the mask band that was behind his ear, bringing down the mask revealing his face
And at instant.....
All the guns pointed at him were put down, all together, with a shocked expression on police officer face, as the chief officer who was speaking with the mega phone gulped, seeing the man standing Infront of him.....
The one and only V
Future heir of THE KIM EMPIRE and only son of KIM DAEHYUN and Thai guy himself was not less...
V raised his brow as if mocking the officer with a crazy smile on his face
Immediately the police officer spoke in the mega phone for the officer who stood behind V and were not able to see his face, but pointing gun at him
“Put your guns down!!! Immediately put it down”
The officers were surprised, they expected their chief to order to shoot but...
Nonetheless they put the gun down
And Jimin who stood beside taehyung his face still covered, looked at his friend who was smiling evily
He then opened both his arms on his side, as if questioning the chief's behaviour
“Im sorry...I'm sorry sir..” the chief said, literally shaking
Taehyung smirked, getting in his car he said
“Get in Park...”
Jimin hurriedly sat in, as Taehyung started the engine again, driving forward, past the officers, as they cleared the way, the chief bowed as Taehyung's car moved past him

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