Chapter 12💋

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There was absolute silence in the room, only the sound of someone tapping on a wooden table with their nail Could be heard
Kim Daehyun sat there, he looked up at the other sitting there
“What was so urgent that you made me cancel my schedule for today and fly here from Australia”
“We are sorry for the inconvenience we caused you Mr. Kim but things have gotten so bad that no one else except for you can help us..We need help from The Kims....”
Daehyun looked at wonho nodding, understanding the situation
“What is it....” he asked
“Mr Kim... please save our children's life, they are in danger please help us...”
Jin's mom couldn't control herself as she blurted out
Wonho signed as he explained the whole thing to Mr. Kim
“......-We want your help, your protection for our heir...” wonho finished
“Mr. are the biggest share holder right?”
Mr Jeon nodded
“We there are high chances of junkook being in danger the most...protecting him is most important....”
“Yes Mr. Kim please help us, they are just like your son....” Namjoon's mom spoke
A slight smile made its way on Daehyun's face as he heard this sentence he remembered his own son
Well Jimin's dad was also there's Daehyun and him knew each other very well but you don't bring your personal life in mafia do you?
“Well I'm ready to help you but there's this thing, I won't be in Korea for a while, your kids will have to live in The Kim mansion till the matter is resolved, my son will take care of them...”
“Mr. Kim...are you sure....” Jin's mom spoke making Daehyun smile slightly
“What do you mean..” he asked
“Ismt your son too of our kids age, are you sure he will be-” Daehyun spoke before Mr. Kim could finish
“Don't worry he's capable enough he won't let anything happen to anyone...while the kids stay at the Kim mansion it will be his responsibility to protect them also, of anything would not seen right he'll take care of that, till we solve the matter, though won't be in Korea but my men will sure combine with the organisation's forming alley as they will resolve the matter...also my men would pick up the kids just make sure they understand the situation”
“Thanks you so much Mr. Kim this means a lot...” Mr Jeon said as both stood up and shook hands

After the meeting was finished, The major share holder called their kids, messaging them the location of the secret base of The Black wings, where the meeting was being held

On the other side junkook and his friends, called each again discussing about their conversation with their parents, they decided to leave immediately

Junkook exited the mansion as he came out, he opened the driver seat, and was about to get in when suddenly....a loud glass breaking sound made him flinch as he out of instincts quickly sat down on street sticking to his car, to avoid getting shot, yes it was a bullet that broke  his car's glass
Hearing the sound guards immediately rushed towards them while junkook was still breathing heavily, few of them circled him as others searched around the area

Junkook stood up finally his breathing getting stable
“I'll leave immediately...”
He said as he took another car and immediately drove at the given address

Well when junkook reached the mafia's secret base, the guards were quick to get him in, junkook was seeing the place for the first time, he was brought infront of a door, as the guards mentioned him to go in junkook knocked before entering, he saw all his friends, their parents were already there, seated and his dad with a worried look
Upon seeing him his friends immediately walked to him asking if he was okay since the guards already informed Jeon Jaehyung and because all of their kids are in danger he had to tell other
Someone freaking fired a bullet at junkook
He sat at his place, though he was not much fazed by the incident like he wasn't used to it either it's just that he was okay
“So....” Mr Kim, Namjoon's dad began
“What dad, why did you all call us here...” Namjoon asked his dad
“Well we have found the solution to the problem...we asked The Kim's for help....” Jaehyung said
This made all of them look up since they have often seen the Kim heir trending or being the headline...
“You all will be staying at the Kim mansion till we resolve the issue along with Mr Kim's men...” Jim's dad continued

“Though Mr. Kim himself won't be there but his son will take care of you all so this is the best option...” wonho was cut off by junkook
“What do you mean by best option, do you even know that heir let alone do you even know his name...”
Suga spoke up
“I agree and how is that guy going to protect us haven't you seen him being the news headlines daily he himself seems crazy” junkook said too
“True do you know he freaking burnt down the club we were seriously...” Jim said
“Calm down you all I understand this all is new and too much for you all but this is the only option, That heir us capable enough to protect you all...” Jaehyung said
“Yes Mr. Kim guarantees that...” Jim's mom said
“And if not then what do you expect huh what are you going to do till them, you need to be protected till we resolve the matter and the incident that took place since yesterday, must have made you realise that you cannot protect yourself on your own, This is a freaking mafia world it is not the same as the world you live in....”
Wonho spoke, he continued
“What do you all think, we are joking around do you know how much freaking scared we are when we got to know that you all are in danger, and the guy we are dealing with isn't a common person, most Korean mafia Leader won't even think about going against, him It's either The Kim Empire or no one, they are the leading ones, only one who possess power over the underworld, This world is dark and you need someone very clever and smart if you want to survive the next few days, get this inside your head...”
None of the heirs could speak anything, this made them realise that they were actually nothing, there were just few rich brats who were letting their ego swallow them
This made them realize how serious the situation is, cause it indeed was, someone was threating their life
They came to realize that it's the mafia they are taking about, you cannot take it lightly in order for one to survive, the other has to die
And this Kim heir was the only who could save them all, who could make them survive even if it meant killing any one coming in way
They realized they needed him, they needed him to protect them, it was either him or no one
Not to mention they were shocked too how could someone of same age as them hold so much power
“We'll go....if you want us to...”
Junkook said making his friends look at him
He looked at them too as they nodded at him
They have always been together, they trusted junkook and junkook trusted them
If the next few days were a matter of their life and death they'll survive together

Their parents too looked at them, they were now atleast assured fir their kids

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