Chapter Thirteen: Finding Heaven

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Chapter Thirteen: Finding Heaven

I glance between them, pushing myself and the oversized cat to move. I didn’t know where to go but the minute the Hexers charge, we’re dead. Well I’m sure Mr. Tiger here can fend for itself. Actually is it a ‘he’ or ‘she’? Aaah don’t have time for this.

Keeping down the untouched streets, I could hear them growling and gasping not too far behind us. I notice as they stumble forward with a sort of clumsy grace that lets them stay in our sights; they are avoiding the crystal pillars that had come with the Miasma. If maybe we go somewhere where the pillars are at their peak…?

Is it just me or ar there more of 'em?

Agreement. The tiger beside me growls a little, trying to steer us down a narrow street that was filled with cafés and takeaway shops, pushing me just a little.

As we emerge from the street, it open up into a construction site. I feel really uneasy as we walk through the unmade building. Why aren't they attacking?

I then realise something. We were being herded towards something. Why? And where?

Steel beams and pipes jutted out from bare frames like skeletal remains, plastic flapping slightly as they hung from the naked higher floors and beams as makeshift walls. The floors were a mix of concrete slabs and rubble mixed in with red dirt.

Look above.

The tiger hits my thoughts like a train and I suddenly feel the world turning sideways as the tiger knocks me to the side in time for a Hexer to come down from a higher, unmade floor. I landed on the side of a truck in time to see the damn thing staring at me.

Well, I think it’s staring. It was far more along in the transition into whatever Hexers eventually become. Its entire top half of the head no longer looked human. It was so alien, shiny and black that it did resembled a head but it was clear of any features or hair, save for a strange smooth like dome that you would swear was a giant helmet with a visor. Except that the bottom jaw was still human, the skin peeling around the embed biker helmet that was now its face. The rest of its body has become elongated and streamline, the black shiny crystal-like skin taking over its nape and its back. Actually the only thing that seemed to remain remotely human-like was the skin over the throat and over the front of the ribcage, the bones sticking out under the thinly stretched pale skin. But that skin was peeling as well. It was creepy, disgusting and I really want to get out of here.

“Sm….eh…eh,” the thing gasps in a thin raspy voice like it’s never been used in years. It points a long stick-like finger in my direction and I feel my blood reversing in my veins. “Deh…leh…sssh-ssh…Sme….Mu-uh-uh-sss-ssst….Dre….Eh…”

I don’t think I wanna even try piecing that weird ass gurgling together. I shift, earning it to step forward, its limbs were strange and long as it slightly crouches, its arms practically scraping the ground. It almost reminds me of an insect. This is really creeping me out.

The tiger, steps between us, crouching down, its shoulder blades pulled tightly together.



Get away.

I stare at the tiger’s back. I…I don’t understand why he’s going out of his way to defend me. Running away, leaving me behind to make its escape would be the more logical answer when dealing with survival. I’m nothing.

Disagreement. Dreamer is…

The combination of colours and sounds mixing in with raw pure emotion flood me to the extent that I couldn’t even begin to even to comprehend what the tiger was try to say.

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