Chapter Thirty-Two: Tiger Pillow

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It's been a while

I apologise immensely for those who have been extremely patient...i just started a new job and it's really full on at the moment and it will take a while for me to get into the swing of things. 

I can't promise regular updates but I will update at least once a month until maybe Easter holidays

That being said, I am looking at updating both Hollow Moon and Only Sky in the next month along with Vivid...depending on how everything pans out.


Chapter Thirty-Two: Tiger Pillow

My eyes felt like I had rubbed them with sandpaper as I open them from a drugged sleep, looking around a dim room. I could barely move a muscle as it felt like I was trying to lift an elephant off my chest. I lift my chin to stare into the eyes of Lady leaning her giant head on me, staring back at me while I was sleeping...again. Is this a habit?

'Dreamer sleeps, watching is fascinating. Heartbeat...' her emotions take on a form that wasn't recognisable and she wasn't able to fully describe it. She then shifts onto a memory of a small bird singing high in a tree.


She stares at me a bit more intently, ' 'Song' '


' 'Music' ...heartbeat...'song' 'music'...soothing.' She seemed happy with the words. Closing her eyes she inhales deeply, 'Broke promise. Sun above the line for sunrise. But Dreamer is back.'

'Sorry...there were things...' I could barely remember anything after that. I only remember getting out of the car and fell into Hanna's clutches as she forces me back onto one of these table-things and then I blacked-out.

I go to push on Lady's head to let me up again, only for my body the scream at me in burning pain that I freeze in place for a moment. My body was covered in bandages. Again. I still had the bite and bullet wounds in my left side...and now to add to the collection was a black goo encrusted bandage where Zoe's Queen had scratched me. And it burned. Burned like I was flaying it with salt jammed into the flesh. I stare at it for a minute, the stains were faint but they still seeped through like puss. I was almost afraid to touch it but I still reach for it. This was probably the only reminder of 'Zoe' left in existence. Even if it was a bunch of festering scratches. I remember she had also gotten me on the check but I wasn't in reach of a mirror to be able to see if it's the same. But it didn't burn the way my shoulder did.

Exhaling through my nose, I move to sit up in the bed as I get my bearings. I see that I'm back in that room they shoved me in with everything on lockdown, a red light on the touchpad beside the door slowly pulsing as a constant reminder that I'm stuck in here. Lady has positioned herself on the floor with her head still resting on the bed now that I had moved her off my chest.

How long are they going to keep me locked up in here this time? I look to the window, completely blocked by the dark grey blind pulled tightly over it. I was alone with my thoughts. And they were dark and crushing. I wanted out. I want to run away from the memories surrounding me, choking me. The physical pain pulsed as a shadow compared to reliving the moments of killing Zoe and the nameless boy. The tortured helpless look on my brother's face as I failed to grasp his outstretched hand, the fear prominent on Anne's blurred face as she was taken away...Markus in pain right until the end...Why? Just...why? What have I done? Why am I still here?

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