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Disclaimer. I own nothing of the Umbrella Academy or the comics that they are based on. All I own is my characters and the plotlines on their own. Hope you enjoy.


On the twelfth hour of the first day of October 1989, 43 women around the world gave birth. This was unusual only in the fact that none of these women had been pregnant, when the day first began.

Sir Reginald Hargreeves, eccentric billionaire and adventurer, resolved to locate and adopt as many of these very special children as possible.

He got seven of them.


There was a team of six teenagers walking through the area carefully, as they were trying to locate the rest of a trafficking ring, that they had been trying to track down for a very, very long time. The ring was specializing in child trafficking and they were said to be ruthless, if they were crossed.

There was shouting coming from the other end of the warehouse, where all of the shipping containers were in the stacks and the smell coming from the containers was atrocious.

"This is the child smuggling operation that Dad was talkin' about?" The taller of the five boys asked and they looked at him. "There is no children around in the building." He said it, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Luther. They are obviously shoved into the shippin' containers. I mean where the fuck else would the smell be coming from?" Diego asked his brother rather sharply.

"Shut up, Number 2." Luther snapped and they were seriously getting close to coming to physical blows, until the single girl in the group got in between them.

"Stop this shit. We need to get the people out of the shipping containers and we need to do it fast. Before the rest of the traffickers get back. Split up and let's go." Number 3, Allison stated and they split up into two pairs and one of them went on their own, as they separated.

Number 4 Klaus and Number 6 Ben went together, Luther and Allison and then it left Diego to go on his own.

Klaus was getting overwhelmed by the spirits of the dead and Ben was trying to calm him down, as he was beginning to panic and then suddenly, they heard it.

"Help me. Please."

They heard a voice in their heads as Ben looked around at the containers a bit confused.

"Help me, please.

It's so dark."

"You are hearing that voice as well now, Klaus, right?" Ben asked and his brother nodded, as they started gently banging the sides of the containers.

"Where are you?" Klaus asked and about halfway down the massive line of shipping containers, there was the faint sound of crying. "Down there."

The two were racing down the row and Ben tried the door. "It's jammed shut. Both of us?" He asked and Klaus nodded, as they were both pulling on the door and to no visible result.

"Where is Luther when we actually need him for once?" Klaus asked and they both heard footsteps.

There were a multitude of people coming down the way with guns and they were all pointing the weapons at them and Klaus looked over at Ben, as he was the one with the offensive sort of ability in combat. "Please don't make me." Ben pleaded but unfortunately, they were now both being shot at.

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