Chapter 17

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I handed him a can of coke and sat beside him on the couch. He had already set up the atmosphere, the lights were dim and the intro was being played.

The movie was halfway done. Not gonna lie, Boruto is as good. I just don't like the fact that they made him powerful than Naruto. In all, I have prejudices against him.

"Get me, one more can," he spoke.

"No. You shouldn't drink that much soft drink at night," I passed not even looking at him and heard him sighed.

Five more minutes and he spoke again, "Can I get more popcorn?"

"Get it for yourself. The instant ones are in the second drawer."

He sighed again, "Forget it."

Lazy shithead.

"Can you shift, I wanna lay down."

"No," I responded, "Lay on the floor and don't disturb for God sake!"

"You're denying to everything!" He sulked and I just laughed off his frustration till I felt a weight on my lap. I looked down at his head on my lap and he was lying straight on the couch.

My heartbeat accelerated at such a pace, pumping blood to course all over my face. I took a sharp intake and moved my leg a little to which he whined.

"Yoongi, get off," I protested.

"No," he giggled, turning his face towards the screen. My hands rested over the backrest of the couch and I tried my best to concentrate upon the movie but I couldn't.

I knew Boruto didn't had the same vibe as Naruto!

The movie ended and I sighed. I switched on the lights, the switch was right behind me so he wasn't disturbed.

As I opened the lights, his closed eyes squinted as he nuzzled into my stomach, meeting the butterflies that just took a flight there.

"Yah Yoongi? The movie ended, get up," I gulped.

He didn't respond making me sigh again. I looked at his sleepy features, right beside my belly. He seemed so comfortable that it made almost impossible for me to disturb him anymore.

He did made me forget what all happened though. My head dropped back as the recollection of events reeled through my mind. Did he really took me out as a friend? I think not.

Fuck! Why am I crying over something at I cannot administer? Why am I being so pathetic to myself?

I reeled my head back up straight. Come on Sora, you are not that weak.

I have worked hard relentlessly to reach where I am today not to cry over this! But I cannot help my tears from falling down.

Unfortunately, a tear trickled down my cheeks, landing on his eyes. He flinched slightly. Before I could wipe that off, his eyes opened to snap into mine and I looked away.

"What happened?" He asked bluntly.


"I know there's something since you were coming back alone. What's up, Sora?" He asked, his head still on my lap and eyes looking towards my face.

"Jae asked me to touch his mark," I responded with a heavy voice.

"What? What a flirt for real! That's why he just asked you!" He hissed, rather angrily.


He sighed, "Look, since it's really cheesy, I'm gonna speak it once, so listen closely."

My eyes met his and he seemed so reliable in the instance that I just wanted to hug him tightly and cry my heart out all at once.

"You deserve it all. Don't ever think that you deserve anything less. You not having this stupid ink may make it tough for you to believe but I know, you're a good person. You're one of those people whom I used to envy for their light."

"You... You used to envy me? Why?" I was taken aback.

"Because you seemed so carefree to me. It seemed like there is no life if it's not like yours. But even glass is made of sand burnt at high temperatures. Endurance always seems difficult, infact it is difficult, Sora. And there's nothing wrong in accepting that you're hurt by it. That you're questioning your value.

But believe me when I say it. There's no one who deserves it more than you. You are perfect to be anyone's soulmate. Maybe that's why you don't have the mark, because you have so much to give, out of these stupid restraints.

It may be difficult but I know you'll find it. Love is not easy. It can be hard to find but I know you'll make it."

There was this seriousness in his voice when he spoke the words, carefully. He seemed so genuine that I was totally speechless.

A shy smile crept up my lips and I let out a suppressed laugh. "Thanks for the cringey stuff, Boongs."

He didn't smile or chuckle. "I may not be a dentist too, but I'll take care of that smile," he winked and dayum! My ribs are officially breaking because of my swelling heart.

I picked up the pillow and pressed his on his face, choking him, "You cheater. You cheated my lines."

He fought my grip and stood up with an alluring gummy smile. Before I could stand up, he laid back on my lap adding, "At least be considerate and sit here while I take a nap."

"Consideration for what?"

"Min Suga Genius on your lap. Blessed you are Moon Sora," he smiled with closed eyes.

Fuck him!

He slept within minutes and now I had no idea what to do. I opened my phone, thinking of reading some book on Wattpad when my eyes laid on a fanfiction. A Min Yoongi Fanfiction!

Now, I generally don't read fanfictions. No prejudices but I just prefer to read anonymous characters but I still clicked onto that. The blurb seemed exciting or maybe the cover did but whatever.

A book can give you butterflies, it can make your heart race, it can make you travel into a different world.

But what when the main character of the book is sleeping on your lap?


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