Chapter 23

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His eyes watched her intently while she refused to pay a glance at him.

It was different for her. Different than when Jae proposed her, different from when Hyun did. A very stringent pain assaulting her heart and her throat too heavy to let any words seep out.

"Sora, I know this is sudden. This is totally unaccepted for. Maybe a part of my soul always loved you since the very beginning. Maybe we are from the same star-"

"No," she interrupted him, looking at him finally. "No Yoongi we are not."

"Don't lie Sora. It feels like I have been waiting for this exact moment my entire life. I don't know what I was, and what I am supposed to be. But this? I know I was meant to do this."  

She looked straight into his eyes, they seemed so genuine but does that assuage the grief? Love has always been the trigger point for her and that was when she never fell for anyone. Standing infront of her was the man who made her heart leap out of the clutches. Who makes her want to defy the so called society.

She remembers it all... From the little school picnics where they used to fight over the window seat to the time he opened the car door for her.

From playing pranks on him to him being there when she cried.

From bullying him to fighting people who said shit about him.

From him calling her a no one to him proposing her today.

From him being a childhood friend to him being everything.

But she cannot just look past every danger and take refuge in his arms when the world is burning down. She cannot put him in peril for some feelings in the heart. Even when those mean everything.

"Yoongi... I'll not lie," she said. "I do feel strongly towards you." Her eyes were filled with tears that were accompanying the cold rain.

There was a loud thunder and the plain was intermittently hit with white light when they saw each other more clearly.

"We are not for one other. Maybe in some other life, in some other universe," she spoke in a shuddering voice and ran straight towards their house that was not so far now.

"Sora wait," he spoke in an alarmed voice but she didn't heed, running back, wiping away the tears.

He got into the car soon, accelerating to reach for her by the time she was already disappeared from his line of sight. His heart became apprehensive, she's not very vigilant in the case and now even more perturbed.

He pulled over and rushed to her front door, pressing on the doorbell frantically.

"Sora, please, open the door! Let me talk!" He requested, continuously pressing the switch. Slowly his reasonable attempts became desperate yells, his brain flooded with thoughts of terror.

"SORA! OPEN THE DAMNED DOOR!" He yelled, banging on it but no response. The rain had turned into cat and dogs pouring down. All of a sudden with a loud thunder sound the world went all black.

There was a power cut and it was night already. The menacing aura holding him in a tight grip. His emotions making it difficult to even breathe when his thoughts were all negative.

"Sora please," he begged, falling on his knees, banging the door still. "Tell me if you're fine. Please." He whimpered as a sob escaped his mouth. No one could make out his tears on his wet face but anyone could make out the pain in his voice.

He thought of literally each possible way to reach out but nothing seemed working. Her phone was in the car itself. Suddenly, he remembered of their connected terraces. He remembers her being at the terrace when she was low.

Though he's not sure if she does that still.

He jumped up in the epiphany, running like a maniac up the staircase of his house. He walked up to the small wall that seperated their terraces. She was there by the wall, sitting with her head buried in her knees, letting the seething avalanche of water cleanse her clogged mind.

He smiled softly. She was indeed still the same.

"Yah? You fool! You scared the shit out of me!" He said and she looked up. The darkness instilled the night and they could see nothing but the black embodiment of each other.

"You..." She sniffled. "What are you doing here? Just go and rest. You have to leave tomorrow!"

"Shut up," he added, jumping over the wall to trespass into her house.

"You know trespassing is a criminal offence?" She questioned.

"Sue me then. I don't care about that. I'm here to talk-"

"Never mind. Never mind."

"But you do mind it, Sora. Let's not run from the truth for the sake of anything!"

"No, lets not talk about this. It doesn't bother-"

"It does. Stop lying to yourself," he castigated her to which she became silent.

He kneeled down beside her, hugging her slightly trembling form.

"It does," she mumbled. "It hurts to admit, it matters to me more than anything."


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