Chapter 38

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{Your POV}

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{Your POV}

I took deep breathes, to calm my heartbeats down. Tears leaving my eyes and running down my face. I can not believe what he just said to me. How he could say that too me, knowing what I know about Bianca and that she had wanted the same thing.

A knock on the door broke my thoughts "I'll be out in a minute. I'll meet you in the car" I tried to sound in control.

I heard his footsteps move away from the door until I heard the bedroom door shut. Funny how he didn't want to say anything back. He just left.

I wiped the tears away and quickly got to covering my mark around my neck.

As I was about to apply the cover up, I stared at it. The outline of his hand so visible. Was this the dark side that Sebastian was talking about? That Chris would actually hurt women like this?

I know Chris.

Or do I?

I've known him for over a year and in that year he has shown nothing but how to protect me and how ruthless he can be to men who even look in my direction. How controlled he was throughout the Vito situation. But then, thinking about it all there was that time where he slept around and went downhill...

As I stare at myself in the mirror, I put the cover up down on the sink and straightened myself up. I wasn't going to cover it up. I was going to wear it with pride and show that I can take anything and still stand tall.

I head back through the room and made my way down the stairs and outside the mansion. I saw Sam and West waiting for me outside the car. Their eyes went wide when they saw the mark.

I quickly spoke "You are not to comment on anything. Not one single word about what you're seeing."

They both nod "Yes, Miss"

Sam opened the back door and I got in. Chris was already in there, on the phone. He hung up when he saw me, his eyes scrolling down to my neck.

"You didn't cover it up"

"Why should I? If I have to cover up every single mark, then what does it say about me? That I can take the hits?"

"Bunny, I am sorry. I didn't mean for it to get that rough. But I agree with what you said back inside. People will start to think something is wrong"

"I will simply shut them down. I am a Queen after all and I will shut down whoever makes a comment about it or about any other mark that is left on my body that was put there by force"

"y/n... I don't want another argument"

"Then you shouldn't start one"

"Why are you being difficult? I am apologising for what I did" he raised his voice a little

"You did apologise. Can we move on?" I said.

West started the engine and took off. We were down the road when Chris took my hand in his, intertwining our fingers together.

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