{Chapter 55}

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Catheline's POV:

I woke up to the slight chirping of a bird. I felt a warm embrace encircling me, making me open my eyes.

For a moment, I was confused. I looked around after blinking a few times and found out that the arms surrounding me were Xander's. I smiled sleepily as I remembered last night.

We did not sleep right away as he began speaking about whatever measures he had taken over the past week. He informed me that he did not send a message to my kingdom yet. When I told him that I wished to send my brother a letter, his reaction was everything.

"Why are you asking me such permission? You are the Queen. You can do anything you want to regarding this,"

"I know..." I pouted as I rested my cheek on his arm. "But I suspected that you might be inspecting every letter that leaves the castle,"

What he could give me was the most betrayed expression ever.

"You can not blame me. After all, you did give me the impression that you abandoned me and locked me up. You even told everyone to not let me know about anything,"

I thought a little bit of blackmail was justified. And it was effective. Xander sighed and ruffled his hair softly.

"I will never disturb or interfere in your personal affairs unless I have to. You can talk to your family as much as you wish," 

My tactics were sneaky but I did not regret doing them. Xander deserves some form of punishment for angering me. My lips formed a pout as I moved nearer to him.

He was deep asleep and I could understand how tired he must have been. I was truly glad that I could make him comfortable.

He is sleeping like a little child who was tired after playing for hours. But it was so contrary when it came to reality. His slightly long dark brown hair was resting on his pale face, undisturbed and surprisingly untangled.

I gently pushed the strands away from his face and got to know how soft they were. This was the best time to admire how handsome he was. He was still young, yet anyone could see the forms of pressure on him.

I wished that I could help him in any way. But even if I became my warrior self, I cannot think of anything that I could do. Even if I was drilled to use a sword for eleven years, it would be impossible for anyone to fight off an entire army of capable soldiers.

Besides, this was not my war to fight. It was solely my husband's. It was his right to fight it and avenge the ones he lost.

Ferus chirped loudly, pulling my attention away from my thoughts. I turned back, trying not to wake Xander. He looks so peaceful and I did not wish for that to be taken away from him.

"Calm down little one," I told him as I pushed the curtain with my fingers. "I will feed you,"

At that very moment, the child in me kicked energetically. I hissed softly and placed an arm on my belly. What woke this little one so early?

All I wanted right now was to go back to sleep, in Xander's arms. But now it was not possible as I was too awake. I turned around again, only to be surprised by him.

"You are awake," I said as I sat up. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"The same reason you did not tell me last night," he replied groggily.

I thinned my lips as I held my arms to my chest. He is more cunning than I imagined. But I guess I could let him pass. I had nothing to say that would embarrass me if he hears it.

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