{Chapter 62}

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[Content Advisory: Mention of miscarriage.]

Karra's POV:

The atmosphere was tense and thick with uncertain murmurs. All my fellow companions, most of them, were in their nightgowns while some were in their work uniforms. I decided to stand on their side as I did not have any authority over them. Not in such a situation.

"Why are we forced out of our beds, Karra?..." Winona asked, yawning. I smacked her arm and she shuddered.

"Something has happened. Be attentive and tell the truth to everything they ask you, alright?" I told her, unsmiling.

Winona was a foolish girl. She might not have the guts to betray her kingdom, as her father was a soldier who was dutifully loyal to his King.

"Silence, all of you!"

The sea of whispers evaporated and an air of silence settled in the hall. The hall we were standing in was the one beside the kitchens. Guards were present around the room and in the center, were Lady Daraa and Doctor Gabriel.

"I have some unfortunate news to declare..." Lady Daraa trailed off.

I looked up, clenching my skirt tightly. I was upset at her for announcing it to everyone. But the news would have spread sooner or later.

"The Queen...had miscarried,"

The room erupted into gasps and murmurs. Winona's jaw dropped in shock as her eyes fell back between Lady Daraa and me.

"Is it true?..." she asked, nudging my arm.

I could not respond as my eyes began welling up. My mind was unable to imagine how the Queen would react after learning this. The child she cared for is gone.

"Now. I want to conduct a severe interrogation. I ask the maids, who visited the market for the last five months for purchasing the necessities required for the Queen only, to step forward,"

I took a deep breath and moved through the crowd. A few others, including Winona, stepped forward too. We formed a straight line and Doctor Gabriel came forward.

"I ask if any one of you bought something more than just necessities," he said loudly, looking at every one of us.

The room fell dead. My mind was cluttered and I tried to recall anything peculiar that could have happened. Suddenly, a girl from the line spoke out loud.

"Are you accusing us of poisoning the Queen?" she asked, glaring at the Doctor. "If you should ask something, you should ask her,"

She pointed towards me. The air I breathed got stuck between my lungs I felt almost a hundred eyes staring at me. I stood brave and turned to her. She was not a person I oft talked to. Or got along with.

"I was responsible for the Queen's snackeries," I spoke, my voice kept composed. "I swear on the name of our King that I did not tamper with Her Grace's diet,"

"Who knows what you have done?" She raised her voice. "You never let any of us even touch what you do. What if you added something to them?"

My anger was getting out of control. And so were my tears. I looked at Lady Daraa who was staring at me with judgment.

"I have trust in myself. And so does Her Grace," I said out loud, looking at the maid. "I can speak out the list of all items I have purchased. You can ask the shopkeeper too because I often buy it at his stall-"

"Who knows if he was in it as well?" The girl piped, looking at Daraa. "Anyone can be anything,"

Well, she was not wrong. Her suspicious nature was well expected. These days, not all could be trusted. But the root of her suspicions was all known to me.

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