♤ Chapter4♤

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"Who's that?" John b asks as a body with a sheet over it gets wheeled away.
"Scooter Grubbs. He was out in the storm." A girl from school informs us. "Check out this picture I got earlier." She turns her phone to show us a picture of the dead man. "Dead bodyy."
I lean closer into JJ to get a better look at the photo, he takes this opportunity to put his arm around my waist. I look up at him and smile shaking my head, he just shrugs in response leaving his hand where it is.
"What kinda boat did he have?" JJ asks.
"Somehow that dirtbag scooped up a Grady White." We all look at each other clearly all thinking the same thing.
"Yeah everyone's out looking for it." We all suddenly start to get up, trying to make excuses on why we have to leave.

"Okay we have complete amnesia." Pope says as we all sit in chairs and on the couch at Jb's house.
"For once I agree with you Pope. Deny, deny, deny." JJ nods.
"Guys, we can't just keep the money." Kie complains, sometimes she forgets we're not all as rich as she is.
"Okay but some of us can't afford unlimited data plans Kie." JJ retorts back at her.
"How much do you think I'm earning serving drinks to Kooks Kiara?" I ask her which annoyed her.
"Well then we should pass it onto Lana Grubbs, otherwise it's bad karma." She turns to Pope for help.
"Bad karma? And committing a felony is nothing?" Pope very smartly responded to her. "We've gotta go all dark." He finished agreeing with me and JJ.

"If that means we get to keep the money then sure."
"I'm not sure." John b says as he begins to pace the porch.
"What?" Me and JJ ask at the same time.
"This is Scooter Grubbs we're talking about, the guy that buys a single cigarette. Heck, Y/n me and you even saw him begging for change in the save-a lot parking lot because he needed gas." I nod remembering that, I was there talking to Rafe when he appeared out of no where and I had to act like I didn't know either of them where there.
"We're talking about the dirtbag Marina rat who's never had more than 40 bucks in his pocket and all of a sudden he's got a Grady white?" John b continues.
"I can't deal with all this, I'm going fishing." Pope says getting up off the couch, he grabs the fishing gear and goes to the dock we all follow after a while.
"Okay so think about it. Pope. How does a Marina rat get enough for a Grady white all of a sudden?"
"Prostitution?" Pope guesses with a laugh.
"Nah he's in the wreck all the time going on and on about his wife." I roll my eyes.
"So not a hooker in trades." Pope nods.

"Square groupers bro. No surveillance, flying under the aerial radar. They don't do that stuff during a hurricane." JB lists. "What does that mean?"
I shrug and turn to JJ who's leaning back on a post next to me.
"They were straight smugglin'." JJ nods.
"Smugglin?" I ask and JJ nods.
"And I guarantee there's a serious amount of contraband on that wreck." John B finishes.
"Hell yeah." JJ says as he reals in a very reasonable sized fish.
"We could go to jail for getting caught up in all this or worse I could loose my scholarship." Pope warns. He then goes back to the house.

We're all in the yard discussing it all again.
"For the record if this is a smuggling ship with illegal contraband on the inside it'll probably belong to someone else."
"Minor details." Kie and I shrug.
"They could come looking for it. Taking it would be catastrophically stupid." Pope continues, he's clearly very stressed about this whole thing.
"Right. Well stupid things have good outcomes all the time." JJ says.
"Like?" He asks.
"Like JJ." I smile. "He may be one of the stupidest people ever but hey he's okay looking."
"Okay looking? I know you think I'm the hottest person alive Y/n!" He laughs his arm sliding around my shoulder and his face coming closer to mine. I put my hand underneath his chin and say. "Keep telling yourself that Jay." Then push him away. We all laugh and smile.
"Anyway all we need to do is figure out a way to get into the cargo hold of that wreck and until then we just lay low and act natural." JJ says finishing explaining.

"Alright and how do we do that?" Pope asks. JJ flashes his signature smirk and then we all say "Kegger" in union.
"Let's do it!" John b yells.
We all immediately sprang not action. Kie flirted her way into getting the Keg which the boys then carried down to the beach while I called almost all my contacts telling them about the kegger and telling them to bring all their friends.
We then brought the red solo cups down as well, there was a lot. Kie turned the spout and away we went. We filled up our cups and downed them within 10 seconds to get the whole party started. It was gonna be a blast.

Sorry no Rafe this chapter but I promise he's in the next.
Pls vote :)

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