ᴥ︎ Chapter14 ᴥ︎

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"Humans are the only animal that can't tell fantasy from reality." Pope tells us looking out the window as John b drives to the salvage yard.
"Did you come up with that Pope?" John b asks.
"Albert Bernstein came up with it but it apply to the treasure hunting thing."
"So which is it? Fantasy or Reality?" He asks.
"Why are you so weird Pope?" JJ says rolling a blunt.
"It's fantasy but a possible reality." Kie answers.
"Reality." John b says determined.
"What'd you think Y/n?" Pope asks.
"Hm?" I say opening my eyes, I was only half listening.
"God how tired are you?" JJ asks smiling at me to which I respond to by simply just closing my eyes again.

"Okay so here's the plan. Y/n and Kie, you two are going to distract the security guard while me and the boys sneak in and get the drone. Okay?" John b says explaining the plan to us.
"How are we meant to distract him?" I ask.
"I dunno, flirt with him flash your tits at him. Whatever you want! Just distract him."
"Alright we'll I'm gonna come up with a distraction that doesn't involve us public humiliation." Kie says to which I agree but we still adjust our shirts a bit to show more skin.

"Hello? Uh excuse me?" Kie says walking around the guards office.
"Can I help you?" He asks coming out of the building.
"Yes please." Kie smiles.
"You see, we've got a flat tire and we were hoping you could maybe help us out?" I ask putting on my best 'I'm an innocent little girl please help me' voice and the kindest smile I can do.
"Yeah for sure. One second." He nods heading back into his office.

"Oh thank god for boobs." I smile at Kie.
"It was too easy." She laughs to which I grin.
A moment later he comes back out of his office with an air tank, he presses the button on his keys to open the gate as we lead him to the car. I lean against it keeping an eye out for the boys.
"Probably just been sitting in the yard too long." The guard says suggesting on why the tire went flat.
"That's probably be it." Kie nods.
"Yeah I got this." He assures us.
"Thank you so much." We both smile sweetly at him.

It's not long that the boys have been in the salvage yard when a dog starts barking. I glance at Kie with a worried look knowing that it's not good.
"Do you hear that?" The man asks.
"Hear what?" Kie asks innocently.
"Oh Tebows got something." He nods getting up off the ground trying to see what it is the dog has.
"It's probably just a squirrel." I nod.
"Or a raccoon?" Kie adds. He smiles at us then looks back down at the tire which is almost filled with air. Kie and I both notice this, I check my pockets for anything sharp and found an old pin. I hand it to Kiara who slips around the other side of the car.
"Where'd your friend go?" He asks me.
"Oh she's just uh che-
He walks around to where Kie is.
"This one seemed low too...." She says awkwardly. The barking from the dog is started up again, he looks between us and the salvage yard before sprinting off towards the sound of the barking.

Kie and I get into the car, her taking the passenger seat leaving me to drive. I'm a shit driver but sometimes it's the only option.
We drive around the outside of the salvage yard looking for our friends, Pope and John b hop over a fence, almost running into the car.
"Holy shit I thought I was gonna hit you!" I say getting out of the drivers seat as John b always drives.
"Where's JJ?" Kie asks.
"I dunno we got split up." John b shrugs still tryna catch his breath.
"He'll be fine he knows the guy." Pope says but still we're all kind of worried, John b drives around the salvage yard but luckily, when we get back to where the van was parked JJ's walking out of the gate unharmed.


"Ughhhhhhhhh." I complain as I stumble into the Wreck. My friends are already there, Kie and John b dancing in the middle while Pope and JJ sit and eat.
"What's up Y/n?" JJ asks as I sit down next to him practically falling asleep as I do so.
"I just had what felt like the longest shift ever. I can't stand working for let alone serving those kooks. Like just now for example I was literally just tryna take an order from Kelce and Topper and they would not stop talking about how I 'wasn't a fitted server' what the fuck does that even mean? It was mainly Topper so I guess that's just what I should expect but ugh, I'm too tired for this." I complain lying my head on JJ's shoulder.
"I'm pretty sure they just meant you're a Pouge and Pouges are filthy plus I feel like Toppets still dirty about the beach incident." He says stroking my hair.
"Yeah." I sigh.
"Well Y/n there's always jobs open here!" Kiaras dad calls out from the bar as he cleans the benches.
"Thanks Mr Carrera." I say giving him a thumbs up.
"But I've got good hours so I don't think I should quit." I say to JJ and Pope.
"I think you just need to get some sleep Y/n." Pope says.
"Here have some Nachos." Kie says pushing them towards me.
"Yes! Thanks Kie." I say as I begin to eat, I hadn't realised how hungry I was.

"Hey sorry I gotta take this." I say as my phone rings.
"You're all good." John b says as I walk away from the table and outside.

"Hey Rafe." I sigh into the phone.
"Hey N/n." He says, I can hear his smile through the phone. It was sweet he was excited to see me. "I saw you today."
"Yeah you were in the water with that friend of yours JJ."
"Oh yeah I remember that." I nod slowly. "So watcha calling for?"
"Just because. I love you."
"I love you too." I smile.
"Also I got you something."
"Rafeeeee. Seriously?"
"Yeah. I think you'll really like it."
"And when do I get this gift?"
"Soon. I promise."
"Okay. Well it was very thoughtful of you."
"Mm. Are you-
"Aye Y/n come here real quick!" JJ yells cutting Rafe off.
"Hey I'm sorry I gotta go but thank you so much. I love you."
"Yeah I love you too." He says dryly hanging up.

I run over to JJ.
"What's up?"
"Dance with me?" He grins.
"Seriously? Yeah okay." I roll my eyes and take his hand and dance with him.

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