XLV. Carlos Singh, You Know

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SWIM GOOD — FRANK OCEANI'm about to drive in the ocean I'ma try and swim from something bigger than me

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I'm about to drive in the ocean
I'ma try and swim from something bigger than me

JJ HAD A newfound hatred for crabs and he knew Stella would tease him endlessly once she found out. She always thought crabs were cute and for the most part, he agreed. That was until one of them bit him. Now, he thought they were annoying little creatures with no sense of personal space that went on obvious power trips because of their pinchers. So on top of worrying about Stella, he also had to worry about his finger turning purple. "Damn little sea spider," he muttered, shaking his injured finger before Pope shushed him.

The group was forced to break into Jimmy Portis' house by climbing through the window. It didn't seem like the man was home, so they felt comfortable splitting up to cover more ground. JJ could feel a sinking feeling pull at the bottom of his stomach with every empty room, like a black hole was sucking his insides out to oblivion. Neither Stella nor Kie was in the house.

He rubbed at his chest and furrowed his brows. With every passing second, he grew more restless. "If they're not here, where are they?"

Sarah and Cleo watched as he started to pace, sharing a look across the main hallway. Further down, Pope stopped in front of a painting of a burning ship. "John B," he called. The shaggy-haired brunet walked over. "Recognize that?"

JJ's brows raised at the possibility of a new lead. "What? Find something?" When he joined their side, his hope diminished. "It's a burning boat. What does that have to do with getting the girls back?"

"This is San Jose," Pope explained. "It's from Denmark's diary. This is the ship that Captain Limbrey stole the cross from. And the Merchant gold."

"Great, whatever." JJ raised his hand and gave a dismissive wave. They had more pressing matters than the Merchant gold. At least they knew where the gold was. "It's not about the girls. It doesn't help us."

John B was about to respond when he was cut off by the sound of a car door. Sarah rushed to the closest window to investigate and ducked out of view when she saw Portis walking up the front yard. She turned with wide eyes and the others held their breaths. "It's Portis, he's back." There was a quick pause before she continued. "Do we run?"

JJ shook his head, already formulating a plan of attack. "Hell no."

It didn't take long for the Pogues to get themselves set up. The layout of the house helped them a lot since a lot of the rooms had doors opening out into the main hall, and mad-dogging someone was an activity they were quite experienced with. All they had to do was remain quiet until Portis walked into their line of sight.

The older man entered his house talking on the phone about the electrical system in his plane. His voice was riddled with exasperation and he seemed more inconvenienced than anything else. It only angered the Pogues because how dare he feel no remorse in turning their friends over to Ward?

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