VIII. Not a Kingpin Movie... Or is It?

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AIN'T NO REST FOR THE WICKED — CAGE THE ELEPHANT You know there ain't no rest for the wicked,Money don't grow on trees

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You know there ain't no rest for the wicked,
Money don't grow on trees

JJ'S EYES LIT up and his lips curled into a soft smile as Stella exited the hospital after her shift the next morning. She hadn't looked up yet, too concerned with unclipping her ID badge from her shirt, and nearly tripped over a crack in the pavement, causing a huff of frustration to escape her mouth. After shoving her badge into her canvas tote bag and moving her hair out of her face, her gaze finally lifted to search for the van affectionately named the 'Twinkie'. When she found the van in the desolate parking lot, she was met with JJ's wide grin.

"Don't say anything," she warned with a pointed finger, knowing that he saw her stumble and almost fall. While her words were threatening, her tone suggested that she wouldn't do anything if he did make a comment.

JJ shook his head with a laugh. As she neared, he leaned out of the open window and reached out for her hand. "How you doing, sunbaby?"

"Golden as always, J."

Stella's hand met his, but instead of gaining a kiss on the back of her hand like usual, JJ pulled her in and kissed her cheek. She tried her best to hide the affect the blond had on her as she climbed into the van, and ignored the smirk John B was giving her through the rearview mirror.

After tossing her bag onto the ground, JJ reached for her and pulled her onto his lap by the back of her belt. "Morning, B." She gave John B a warm smile and got comfortable as she settled in. "So what's the plan for today, boys?"

John B started the van and pulled out of the hospital's parking lot. As he drove through the streets of Kildare, he explained how they were going to try and talk to Lana Grubbs about the compass they had found on her husband's boat. The summary of their plan was mildly boring and Stella decided that she'd spice up the conversation, letting her curious nature get the better of her.

"So," she started, giving John B a sly grin. "I have a question for you."

He glanced at her. "Uh oh. Am I in trouble?"

"I don't know," she mused, entertaining the guise of innocence for a fleeting moment. "Are you and Kie macking?"

JJ let out a laugh, but it was cut short by John B. "Are you and JJ macking?" he shot back with knowing look.

Both Stella and JJ froze, each taken back by his quick return. They weren't sure if they should be mad at him for practically exposing their feelings or embarrassed by the thought of the other finding out.

Stella was the first one to speak, deciding that the best way of keeping her heart out of harm's way would be to deny, deny, deny. "Me and JJ?" she questioned. "There's no me and JJ."

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