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I woke up due to shifting beside me. I opened my eyes to see Gio leaning over to grab his phone, and then I hear him swear in Italian under his breath.

"I don't know how your face isn't filled with wrinkles." I say and he looks at me confused.

"You're always making an angry face." I said touching the crease between his eyebrows and he relaxes his face.

He kisses my forehead and lays back into bed, hugging me.

"Aren't you late for work?" I asked him knowing how busy he is. He barely ever sleeps and is always out by the time I wake up.

"It's fine. I'm the boss after all." He boasted and I snuggled further into his chest.

We lay silently for a while until we heard shouting.

"Where's May?!"

I burst out laughing. "Marco." I said and on que he entered the room and sighed in relief as I laughed.

I turned so I was laying on my back. Just as I was about to speak Marco jumped on top of us both as I groaned due to the pressure.

He lay beside me cuddling me, like he does every morning.

"He really does this every morning?" Gio asked and I nodded. "He's a little baby still." I said laughing as Marco slapped me lightly.

Marco was holding me tighter than usual making me look down to see him hiding his face.

That's when I heard him sniffle. "Marco? What's wrong?" I said suddenly worried. He didn't reply so I shifted so I can see him, cupping his cheeks.

"Marco? Why are you crying?" I asked again.

"I thought you were gone." He said sobbing whilst holding on to me tightly.

The pain was evident in his eyes. I'd never seen him so hurt.

I was unsure why he was so upset suddenly so I just comforted him.

"Marco, I'm not going anywhere. I'm here with you now." I said and he nodded.

"Never leave me again May, never."

"I won't ever." I said holding on to him tightly as I rubbed his head.

I looked over at Gio to see him shocked at Marco's sudden outburst. I guess no one was used to Marco's sensitive side, he was always cheerful.

Enzo came to the door and peeked in. "Is everything ok?" he asked and we all nodded.

"Marco, come on it's time to work out." Antonio called from somewhere. When he didn't get a reply he starting look for Marco and entered the room.

Marco told Antonio to force him to work out everyday, so this is basically my everyday morning routine.

My every morning routine is the same. Marco enters for morning cuddles, then gets dragged out by Antonio.

"Marco, come on leave May alone." Antonio said looking at us both, and Marco shook his head.

He was clearly unaware of Marco being upset, so I decided to help.

"Antonio, I think Marco should skip his gym routine today." I tried convincing him to make Marco feel better.

"May-" Antonio was cut off by Gio. "Marco isn't feeling well today, let him relax today."

I looked down at Marco to see him lightly smiling. I kissed his head as we got up.

"He seems fine, but ok." Antonio said as he walked out.

Enzo was looking at Marco confused. It was probably due to his slightly red eyes.

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