Chapter Two

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Lost in the embrace of a deep slumber, I was blissfully unaware of the world around me until an insistent knocking at my door shattered the tranquil cocoon of sleep. At first, I tried to brush it off, attempting to retreat back into the enchanting realm of dreamland, but the relentless knocking persisted, refusing to be ignored.

"Whaaaaat," I groaned with irritation, seeking refuge by pulling the comfort of my blanket over my head in a futile attempt to shield myself from the unwelcome intrusion. The longing for more precious sleep tugged at me, my body craving the rest it so desperately needed.

Yet, the voice beyond the door persisted, insistent in its urgency. "Ivy," it called out, "Your class starts in 15 minutes."

Reality crashed upon me like a crashing wave, jolting me into a state of awareness. I abruptly tossed my blanket aside and leaped out of bed, a sense of panic mingling with the drowsiness that still clung to my senses. The morning sun streamed through the window, a sudden burst of light that seemed to pierce through my groggy state and intensify the pounding headache that had taken residence in my head.

"I'm up," I groaned in acknowledgment, my heart racing as the realization of my oversleeping hit me like a thunderbolt. Time was against me, and I had to act swiftly if I had any hope of making it to class in time.

Scrambling in haste, I searched frantically for something to wear, my mind racing with the frantic pace of my movements. How had I let myself oversleep on such a crucial day? My fingers fumbled through the array of clothes in my closet, my thoughts racing to find a suitable outfit that would be both presentable and practical for the day ahead.

As I dressed in a whirlwind of urgency, the headache throbbed with each heartbeat, a constant reminder of my race against the clock. The mere thought of missing my class sent a surge of adrenaline coursing through me, fueling my determination to rectify my mistake.

In the frenzy of the morning rush, I hastily settled on the practicality of sweatpants, a casual T-shirt, and easy-to-slip-on sandals. There was no luxury of time to contemplate a fashionable ensemble; my priority was to make it to class on time.

With my heart pounding and adrenaline coursing through my veins, I snatched up my bag, phone, and a pack of gum, determined to leave no room for tardiness. The urgency of the situation propelled me out of the dorm, a whirlwind of determination propelling my every step.

Yet, the aftermath of the previous night's celebration clung to me like a relentless shadow. The unbearable hangover weighed heavily on my senses, making the world around me seem like an assault of brightness, sound, and disorientation. My mouth felt dry and parched, my head throbbed with every movement, and the relentless dizziness added an extra layer of challenge to my morning battle.

Despite the discomfort, I pushed forward, driven by the necessity to make it to class. My senses were heightened, making the surrounding noise almost deafening, like a cacophony of sounds echoing in my ears. It seemed as though every step I took only intensified the throbbing pain in my head, a constant reminder of the consequences of last night's revelry.

In the haste of the morning, I had no time to pamper myself with the usual morning rituals. A shower, washing my face, and brushing my teeth were luxuries I had to forgo in the race against the clock. Instead, I improvised, grabbing a pack of gum to freshen my breath and spritzing on a hint of perfume to mask the traces of a sleepless night.

As I navigated my way through the bustling campus, I felt acutely aware of my disheveled state. The weight of my hangover was a heavy burden, making each step feel like a Herculean effort. Yet, with every stride, I was inching closer to my destination, determined to meet the challenge head-on.

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