Chapter Thirty Three [ARRC]

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The anticipation crackled in the air like electricity, sending shivers down my spine. It was time for our mini vacation, a fleeting escape from the rigors of university life. Second year had barely begun, and here I was, already tossing my responsibilities aside. But who could resist the allure of a weekend getaway, especially when it was the dean herself who had extended the invitation?

Once again, I found myself with the details of the trip, but the specifics eluded me. Who could blame me, though? Excitement bubbled up inside me like champagne, effervescent and intoxicating.

Standing before my mirror, I pondered over what to wear, each garment a possibility, each outfit a statement. After much deliberation, I settled on something sleek and alluring. After all, I would be spending the weekend with Victoria, and I wanted to make a statement.

With my outfit carefully chosen and my suitcase in hand, I made my way out of the bedroom, the click of my heels echoing against the floor. A quick goodbye to Sarah, a flicker of excitement in her eyes, and I stepped out of my dorm, ready to embark on our adventure.

Victoria would be picking me up, her presence a promise of the adventures to come. It felt a tad early to be leaving, but Victoria was insistent, eager to get to the airport without delay. And who was I to argue with that? After all, the sooner we started our journey, the sooner the real fun could begin.

°•. ✿ .•°

As we stepped out of the airport and left our bags with the hotel concierge, the charm of Cedarville enveloped us. The streets exuded a quaint allure, each cobblestone whispering tales of the town's rich history.

Despite the picturesque surroundings, the atmosphere between Victoria and me was anything but idyllic. Throughout the flight, she had been engrossed in her work, her attention tethered to her emails and lecture preparations. It was as if I were invisible, relegated to the periphery of her focus.

Finally, she broke the silence with a mundane remark about lunch arrangements, her tone as flat as the horizon at dusk. It was clear she was still distant, lost in the labyrinth of her thoughts. But I refused to let the weight of her detachment drag us down.

"So..." I ventured tentatively, my voice cutting through the quiet like a sharp intake of breath. "Are we going to talk?" My gaze fixed on her, a silent plea for connection lingering in the air. "And I mean really talk, because I'm not dealing with you acting like some android all weekend. I deserve better."

Her sigh hung heavy in the air, a palpable admission of the tension between us. But I pressed on, unwilling to let the opportunity slip through my fingers. "Wait, let me finish," I insisted, a surge of determination coursing through me. "We've barely said two words to each other since this morning."

Victoria's grip on my elbow was gentle, almost hesitant. "I'm trying to control myself," she confessed in a hushed tone, her breath mingling with the cool breeze. "After that session in my office last week, I can't seem to keep my head straight."

I couldn't help but smirk inwardly. Well, well, it seemed my prowess hadn't gone unnoticed. The memory of her moans, my name falling from her lips like a sacred mantra, sent a delicious shiver down my spine. If only she knew the effect she had on me.

"We're going to be around my colleagues all weekend," she continued, her voice laced with a hint of restraint. "Please remember, you were sent here as my TA. And I must behave like your professor." Ah, yes, the professional façade. But behind closed doors, who's to say what might transpire?

"Your presence will be a welcome respite from small talk with... various individuals," she added, a smile dancing upon her lips. "In other words, Bea will be at this event." Bea. The name left a bitter taste in my mouth, a reminder of the lingering threat lurking in the shadows.

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