100K CHAPTER #1: Fetch!

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(Name) POV:

I was sitting in our small hideout, when Dogday came up to me.

"(Name) look! I found my old ball I used to have!"

"Really? Let me see!"

I inspected the ball. It was old and rusty but yeah, it definitely looked like it. I smiled and looked at him.

"Wanna play fetch?"

His tail wagged, and I chuckled.

"That's a yes then?"

I picked up the ball, and threw it in a random direction. Dogday ran after it and quickly caught it in his mouth.

"Ah........ just like old days....... I missed it......"

"I missed it too. I'm glad you're feeling better, Dogdad."

"Well, you rescued me, gave me legs again, and are playing fetch with me knowing it's something I loved to do...... how could I not feel better?"

"Hehe, that's true. Fetch!"

I threw the ball again, he caught it midair and brought it back to me. Threw it again, he caught it again. However, when I threw it the third time, it accidentally hit a rusty old fence from one of the houses and the entire fence collapsed.

Dogday and I looked at each other shocked, before laughing.


"Well, guess we shouldn't play fetch anymore!"

After a few minutes of laughing, Dogday picked up the ball and walked over to me.

"I'm tired...... let's take a nap."


He curled up next to me and I pulled him into my arms.

"Goodnight, Dogdad........"

"Goodnight, (Name)......."

That's it for 100k chapter #1! I liked the idea of Dogday and (Name) playing fetch since well, he's a dog, so- but anyways I hope you enjoyed! Happy 100k celebration! -Solaris <3

&quot;Dogday's Angel&quot; a Dogday x GN! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now