100K CHAPTER #2: Animal Crossing

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This takes place in a different universe far in the future where (Name), Catnap and Dogday live together outside the factory!

Dogday POV:

I was making dinner in the kitchen. The smell of steak was filling the air, and (Name) was on the couch, playing a game on their....... device......thing? I still can't remember what they call it.

"(Name), foods almost ready. Do you want any sides?"

"Oh sure, I'll have some (Insert your favorite fruit here) and (Insert your favorite chips here) please!"


I grab what they asked for, and sit down next to them.

"What are you playing?"

"Animal Crossing New Horizons."

"What's that? Can I see?"


I look at the screen and see some cute animals standing on their hind legs, doing things humans would do such as fishing, or singing.

"Interesting....... are they perhaps dead humans like us?"

"What? No, no! They are just sentient, human-like animals."

"I see. Well, please don't forget to eat. Meat(if you are vegetarian/vegan insert some kind of vegan food) tastes best when it's freshly cooked!"

"I will, don't worry Dogdad!"

They set down the device and begin eating. We spend the rest of the evening eating and enjoying each other's company. After a while, they go to their bedroom and get ready for bed. As they lay down, I kiss their forehead.

"Goodnight, my child......"

"Goodnight, Dogdad......."

After they fall asleep, I sneak over to their device and after spending a while learning the controls, I stay up playing this game they call "Animal Crossing". It was only when I noticed the time said "5AM" I realized I had been playing all night.

That's it for story #2! I hope you enjoyed! -Solaris <3

&quot;Dogday's Angel&quot; a Dogday x GN! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now