Chapter one: When death knocks on your door

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The day my life changed, was the day I met him.

I felt emotions I had never felt before, and shouldn't have been able to feel.

But with him, it was different.

I'm no ordinary girl.

No, in fact I'm far from it. I don't live in an ordinary place.

I'm far from ordinary, I don't even think someone like me can be classed as 'normal'. I know I'll never be a normal teenage girl.

How do I know this?

I know because staring right back at me is two ruby red eyes.

Sighing, I look at my reflection in the mirror. Even down here in the underworld, I'm not considered normal. A Demi God training as a reaper is unusual I suppose. I'm almost certain one of the reasons I'm strange is my eyes.

Reapers are born with natural dark red irises. Very similar to vampires however, a reapers eyes hold the specks of death, meaning small black specks are littered throughout the deep red. My eyes have these specks, but they don't have the dark colour. Instead, my eyes represent the colour of love.

Rumours have been spread around the underworld that my eyes are what makes me dangerous. Despite being the daughter of death himself, being a Demi God is also classed as lethal.

We don't have the pressure of rules, in fact we can leave whenever we please. Demi Gods posses a free spirit as well as the powers of a God. However, I struggle to stray from my duty. In fact, I love it and this love is exactly what defines me as far from normal. A normal sixteen year old girl would be at school studying hard to get the grades she wants in order to get that dream job she wishes.

My future is already set out. Despite physically having a free soul, my choices are defined. But I don't let this stop me. No, I embrace it. The obstacles that stand in my way don't bother me. I know my destiny is to one day be the successor of my father. I know one day I will rule the underworld, and that's what makes me, well me.

I, Raven Rouge Reaper am dedicated to the death cycle, and nothing can stand in my way.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I comb my long silky black locks while looking in my mirror. My skin is as pale as snow today. Pale skin was considered intimidating in the underworld and I love it when people look at me with fear in their eyes, it made me feel remotely normal.

Walking towards my dresser, I grab my favourite outfit, putting on my black ruffle trimmed dress. I grab my black, silk hooded cloak and drape it around my shoulders, masking my face.

I am the daughter of death so naturally one would mask their face as the grim reaper does, as cliche as it may be.

I walk out of my chambers, heading towards the throne room where I find the grim reaper.

There he was, summoning reapers and ghouls for their daily duties.

"Ah Raven" my father exclaims, greeting me as I enter the large room.

Statues are scattered along the back wall of the room, each representing something different.

The very first statue in the room is one labeled 'Despair'. The statue was modelled like a human crying out their despair to represent the loss of someone or the loss of their own life. Reapers were very familiar with this emotion when soul collecting.

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