Chapter thirteen: Darkness returns

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"Raven I can't take part in this war!" Ally says, staring at me, straight into my ruby eyes. Every God at the table suddenly stops their gossiping and look straight at the goddess of harmony. She begins to sink back into her chair. I look her dead in her sapphire pools, daring her to look away.

"And why not? You're a goddess after all" I say, starting to glare at her. For a moment she was at a loss for words. Eventually, she finally plucks up the courage to speak.

"The war is against my boyfriend" she says, almost stuttering.

After those words, everyone at the table begins to laugh. Including myself and Leo. It's funny how she can think a monster like him as her boyfriend. She is too naïve.

"What's so funny?" She asks cluelessly.

"Charmeine sweetheart, do you not know what your boyfriend did?" The goddess of nature asks Charmeine.

"What did he do?" She asks. I sigh as I turn towards her to come face to face.

"Your boyfriend killed...Callum" I say, causing silence to overcome the room.

"What!" She screams. I try to give her a look of sympathy, but she was no longer looking at me. Her world was crumbling bit by bit. God knows what on earth she was thinking about.

"He also tried to kill Eliza but she ran away from him, making him realise it was you he wanted to kill" I say in a monotone voice.

Tears begin streaming down her face. The poor thing. She's been thrust into the world of the supernatural all because of a person who claims to be her true love to find out he's out to kill her.

Not to mention she's also a goddess. I wonder what she's thinking about. It's hard being a god, and considering I will be taking over the throne too, things will get a lot more crazy around here.

What will happen next? Will Charmeine surpass the King with my help or will we lose.. Again I could feel the eyes of someone boring into me. I look up at the table but everyone is looking only at Ally. So where are these stares coming from?

"Charmeine are you ok?" A god asks Ally. I look at her face. It's become red and puffy. Clearly she wasn't ok.

"Yeah I'm great" she says, attempting to hold back a sob.
This girl is so naïve, if she expects me to believe that pathetic little excuse. She has another thing coming.

"Seriously, you expect me to believe that?" I say, peering down at her. She's idiotic to think I would be fooled by her lies.

"You just discovered that your boyfriend killed your best friends brother and you found out that he tried to kill your fake daughter, do you really expect me to think you're ok?" I beam.

She's become the complete opposite to before. She's easy to read. Before, I didn't know what she was thinking. Now I know exactly what's going on just by looking at her facial expression. And here's the trick, reapers can't read minds.

"Here's the plan ladies and gentlemen, we are going on a trip to the coastal region, I've sent my general to tell them to prepare. If we leave now we can get ready for war, any objections?"
Any objections? Why would I even say that, no one dares to defy me.

"Good, Ally you're with me!" I say, ready to move. I notice a few confused stares at the table and sigh.

"Her name is Charmeine yes but she's been called Ally and she is most comfortable with that" I say, rolling my eyes.

The table grows silent as every god stares into my eyes. Gods. They are not what you would expect them to be like.

"Anyone have a problem with that?" I say, actually wanting someone to prove me wrong. Again all I receive is silence.

Daughter of death, here all week!

"Good, Ally come on" I say, opening the door.

"Wait now?" She asks, surprised. For gods sake woman get a move on! I have someone waiting. Not to mention the fact that I still feel eyes burning through me.

"Yes now!" I beam as I motion her to follow me. After we leave the room filled with gods, silence was falling over us. There are no words of communication as I storm down the corridor.

"Raven please wait for me!" Ally calls to me a few steps behind. I stop for a moment.

What I'm about to show her could break our trust and I need that trust in order to win this war. Forgive me goddess. I begin to carry on storming down the corridor.

Once I reach the end of the corridor, I slowly turn around to face her. I still sense a presence nearby, but where could it be coming from?
"Now you may be shocked at what you see in this room" I say, lowering my voice so that the unknown presence can't hear us.

"What, why?" She asks, with a look of horror on her face. I don't want her to hate me, I need her trust more than anyone.

"You may be confused when I open this door just don't panic ok?" I say looking deep into her sapphire eyes. I try to once again give her a sympathetic look.

Her life isn't going to be easy, it never will. She slowly nods as she walks towards the door. I grasp onto the golden handle and gently open the door to reveal the darkness hiding behind it. I gesture for her to walk inside and she obediently follows my gesture and steps into the room.

Once she stepped inside, I slam the door behind her. She will run away otherwise and she needs to stay there just for a little while. She begins to violently bang on the door.
"Raven please I'm afraid of the dark, let me out!" She screams behind the block of wood.

"You're not the only one in there Al, look carefully around the room" I say as soothingly as possible.

I hear her footsteps leave the door and I sigh with relief. She will understand once he speaks to her she will.

At that moment, a large gust of wind gushes in from an open window. That window wasn't open before, I'm sure of it. I walk towards it and slowly look outside. No one is underneath it in fact there's no one around. As I close the window, I hear heavy breathing behind me and feel the eyes burning through me again. I quickly turn around to be faced with two cerise fire filled eyes.

"Hello little sister, long time no see" he says, smirking down at me with his black scythe leaning against the wall.

"Blake?" I say looking into his eyes. "What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I heard you're declaring a war. I would like to hear your explanation?" He says, still smiling.

What will happen now? Will he decide to kill me right here and now to help the enemy win or will he assist me? Remember, he is darkness and he has returned.

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