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Clay's Hope

Copyright: Shattered Glass Publishing LLC

Published: April 28, 2015

ISBN: 978-1-5114992-4-8

Cover Design: Indie-Spired Designs


Clay, we need your help.

Winifred's voice interrupted my contemplation of the scene before me.

When? I sent back.


I didn't respond or ask why. The Elders knew I would come, just as I knew the reason they'd called me.

For a moment, I continued to watch the house from my place hidden within the trees. The woman in the window moved around the kitchen, cooking dinner. Passing the table where her son sat doing his homework, she stopped to kiss the top of his head. The boy started speaking. The distance and the closed house kept me from hearing everything, but I heard her response. She congratulated him for his high score on a math test. Love lit her gaze as she turned to study the boy's bent head.

Exhaling, I turned away from what I would never have. A family.

With an easy lope, I started the journey to the Compound, the meeting place for my kind. Werewolves. As I traveled, I thought of the human boy and his mom. We werewolves were similar to humans in some ways, yet different in so many others.

One of our differences was the Elders, like Winifred. A group dedicated to the wellbeing of all werewolves. Once a werewolf took the oath to serve our kind, they became an Elder. Through an oath, Elders gave up their right to put their wants before the wants of our race as a whole. It wasn't a subjective promise but a mental bond that ensured our safety. While the bond allowed an Elder to communicate with any of us directly, it also served as a death sentence if the Elder ever acted in a way that wasn't in the best interest of our survival...such as finding a Mate.

Like an Elder, I would never have a Mate. It wasn't that I'd taken some oath that prevented it. No, the possibility of a Mate for someone like me, an outcast without a pack was...well, I'd be more likely to wake up with the ability to turn into a bear instead of a wolf.

The Elders knew it, too. That was why they called on me to help at Introductions, gatherings to introduce an eligible female to the unMated of our kind. Yet another way we differed from humans.

I'd heard the call for this upcoming Introduction weeks ago. The Elders were giving all the unMated time to journey to the Compound. That meant there would be hundreds of males there. One lucky wolf would find himself a Mate. It wouldn't be me. A brief surge of jealousy clawed at me, but I shook out my fur and the feeling.

When the Elders called for my help, it was to keep the peace among the males. Then I'd leave again, returning to the woods and my isolated life.

The image of the humans remained in my mind as the miles slowly disappeared under my paws. While my father was alive, I would have never gone so close to their home. Since he'd died though, I found myself wandering closer and closer. I knew why. I missed him. And though I had no memory of my mother, I missed her, too. I missed belonging to something.

Maybe it was time for me to submit to Thomas and join his pack. The thought filled me with disgust. As much as I wanted to be a part of something, to be able to stay in one place for more than a night, I didn't think I'd be able to bow to another person's whims again. After all, my father had been a good leader, but I'd struggled against many of his rules.

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