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Rachel stood, and I huffed a relieved sigh. She was too fond of rubbing my fur. I hoped Gabby would eventually come around and stand up for me.

"Hey, Gabby," Rachel called as she walked to her room. "Want to go out with me tonight? Girl's night out? Hit a few clubs?"

My head snapped up, and I strained to hear Gabby's answer from the bedroom. She had better say no or she'd have a wolf trailing her, causing mass hysteria.

"Um, thanks for the offer, but I think I'll stay here. I want to be sure I'm settled before school starts."

I heaved a relieved sigh.

"All right," Rachel said. "I just didn't want you to feel like I'm abandoning you. I hate staying home, and when I'm not working, I like to go out. If you ever want to come with, just say."

Not happening.


Gabby's half-hearted answer reassured me. I sighed and went back to contemplating my bowl. Now that I had a collar, I really didn't want to drink like a dog.

Rachel reemerged dressed in a short skirt that barely peeked out from under her jacket. Where was she going dressed like that? And she'd wanted Gabby to go with her? I'd drink out of the bowl and start eating dog food before I let Gabby go out like that.

Rachel patted me on the head on her way out the back door. I lingered in the kitchen, listening to her get into her car and drive off. Then, silence held the house. Had Gabby gone to bed? Taking a chance, I shifted, went to the sink, and got myself a glass of water.

Would Gabby remember she'd said I could join her? I finished my drink, set the cup aside, then hesitated. If she didn't remember, she'd kick me out. Better to wait until she slept and not push her.

I shifted back into my fur and waited fifteen minutes then quietly padded to Gabby's door. It wasn't shut all the way, a sign she'd remembered. I smiled. Maybe she wasn't as opposed to me as she seemed.

I pushed the door open with my nose and jumped up on the end of the bed. Inhaling her scent, I settled into my designated spot. With some luck, I wouldn't be at the end of the bed much longer.

* * * *

"Get out," Gabby said as soon as she woke.

Her less than charitable tone let me know she wasn't as close to coming around as I'd hoped. With a quiet sigh, I hopped off the bed and exited the room. The house was quiet since Rachel had already left. That woman barely slept.

I settled on the couch to wait for Gabby and whatever she had planned for the day.

When Gabby emerged, she passed me without acknowledgment then wandered around the house for a bit. She'd seemed bored, a state of existence I understood well, so I stayed out of her way. After only a few minutes, she shut herself in her room again, which I found odd.

Inside her room, I heard the faint sound of a zipper and the rustle of clothes. I hopped off the couch and moved closer to the door, trying to listen. She was changing? She'd just gotten dressed.

I'd barely sat down to wait when the door swung open. Gabby, wearing her swimsuit, stood within the doorway. My gut clenched at the sight of her pale limbs and smooth stomach, and I thanked whatever thought had inspired her to change. My mouth went dry as I studied every inch of her. I itched to touch her again, to hold her in my arms.

With effort, I lifted my gaze. Did she know how much I loved that suit? Had she changed just for me? Her wide eyes and the livid blush that stained her cheeks gave me my answer. She hadn't.

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