Chapter 9

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Quick note!! This chapter will start were I left off last chapter just in Ivan's pov. Enjoy!!
Ivan's pov

I stood there a few moment shocked at Amelia's boldness all of a sudden.

She's playing with fire I thought to myself smirking as I pack up myself calling it quits for the day. Walking out of the office, I make sure to lock it behind me before making my way towards the elevator.

My thoughts immediately go to my little assistant who's been all I could think about since she started working for me. Her beautiful brown almost black hair cascading down her back as well as those mesmerizing green eyes that held a sort of innocence in them. My thoughts also go to Connor making my blood boil thinking about how close he was with Amelia but also I felt sort of envious that he had her attention whenever they were together.

My thoughts are put on hold as I exit the elevator and walk into the lobby quickly grabbing the attention of the female employees. I slightly smirk as I continue walking but my smirk falls when I see Melissa rushing towards me. Already annoyed, I roll my eyes but slow down anyways not wanting to come off as rude.

"What can I do for you Melissa" I ask with an impassive expression not wanting my annoyance to be shown.

"I was wondering if you'd like to come over tonight and maybe I could cook for you" she replies batting her eyelashes. I don't understand how she can be so interested in a guy who hasn't batted an eye in her direction since she started.

"I'm really busy at the moment but maybe another time" I say dismissively before walking away needing to get home.

I walk to my limo and curtly greet my chauffeur before getting inside and opening up a bottle of champagne. Pouring myself a glass, I take slow sips before remembering Amelia never gave me an exact date for our date. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I quickly send her a text:

When shall I pick you up for this date mia cara;)

I smirk at my nickname for her continuing to sip on my glass of champagne. I'm interrupted by the beeping notifying me of her response.

I thought we were over that nickname asshole:) How's Friday night at around 8pm?


Her response has me barking out laughing almost spilling my drink on myself. If only she knew that I gave her that nickname the minute I decided she was going to be mine.

Oh mia cara, would you prefer something corny like princess or kitten?


A lingering smile remains on my lips as Amelia Winters takes over my thoughts. I've never been emotionally involved with a women but when I do I never plan on letting them go.

Well then I guess it's ok for me to call you princesa, sì?


I slightly glare at the nickname she gave me before shooting the idea down.

If you ever call me that mia cara, you'll be punished;)

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