Chapter 34

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Amelia's pov.

The rest of the day was spent with Ivan trying his very best to keep my mind off of my quite dysfunctional family. Currently, we were walking down the busy streets of New York as I munched silently on a pretzel Ivan had bought me at a random stand.

Although I appreciated his efforts, I couldn't escape the curiosity and hurt I felt with how quickly my life had fallen apart. First with Ivan then my family, I felt as if the world was punishing me for some horrendous sin I had committed unknowingly.

Even though Ivan and I weren't together currently, I relished in the fact that he was there for me when all I wanted to do was wallow away in self pity.

"Are you listening to me Amelia?" Ivan questioned as we strolled down a random park that we had stumbled upon as we were talking.

"Of course I was" I replied pretending to have been listening intently to whatever he was talking about.

"So you agree that we should push aside our problems and elope to some random country" Ivan asked with such seriousness that I was confused on whether he was joking or not.

"Um, I guess that's one way to deal with our problems" I shrugged truly hoping that he was joking even though running away from my problems didn't seem all that bad at the moment.

Seconds later Ivan lets out a throaty laugh that made my insides flutter in happiness but my cheeks heat up with embarrassment at my stupid remark.

"You have yet to fail me with your randomness mia cara" Ivan says causing my cheeks to heat up even further which I tried to hide behind my pretzel. For a second I was able to let go of my baggage and just feel content being in the presence of the one person who meant the world to me.

All to soon it began to get dark which meant our day was coming to an end. In a way I was relieved because of the amount of tears I cried and all the new problems that arose all from visiting my father.

"Do you want me to drop you off at your house or do you wanna sleep over at mine?" Ivan asked, his expression showing his hopefulness that I would sleep over.

"I don't think I'd be able to cope if I were alone tonight" I answered truthfully knowing I would remain restless unless my mind was preoccupied. His lips turned upward in a grin at my answer which made me smile shyly in return.

"Give me a second to call my chauffeur mia cara" he explained giving me a kiss on the forehead before walking further up the block for privacy.

As I waited, I took in my surroundings when all of a sudden a hooded figure bumped into me, sending me tumbling back. He reached out and steadied me before leaning in towards my ear and whispering something that made my heart quicken.

"You're father will be expecting you to meet him at his office tomorrow morning alone, unless you'd like for their to be consequences." his baritone voice carried through the wind as he spoke.

The whole exchange happened so quickly I was sure Ivan hadn't noticed. Before I could respond, the figure was already walking down the block into the dark night.

I wasn't sure if I should tell Ivan what had happened because I didn't want to burden him with even more of my problems. On top of this, I didn't think my father would harm me so long as I followed his directions.

"The car will be around in a couple minutes" Ivan informed me and I nodded still shaken from the encounter. Ivan looks at me curiously and I shrug it off and tell him it was fine.

The car ride to Ivan house was eerily quiet, both of us having too much on our minds to converse. I hadn't noticed we had arrived to Ivan's house until he shook me from my thoughts. Jolting in surprise, I followed Ivan out of his car and towards his house.

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