Wattpad Original

Chapter 58

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After three hours of hiding in the forest and nibbling on whatever fresh fruit I sniffed out at the redhead's request, we headed back. Nicky parked the side-by-side in the garage and jumped out. Surprisingly, she hadn't ventured a single question about my sister or my earlier call.

"I'll grab some food and meet you on the roof."


I exited the garage and began walking toward the secondary building. On the way, I noticed a man from the archery group was lounging on a bench, probably waiting for some of his friends.

I decided to test out the effectiveness of the local gossip vine. "Any idea where Daniel might be?"

The man blinked and stared blankly at me, taken aback by the fact I was actually talking to him, then he recollected his wits. "He went to the barn with Nina and Louise. They haven't come back yet, and when they do, they'll likely head straight to the lab."

"Thanks." I resumed my walk, planning to be on the roof or in the archery area whenever the trio returned.

It didn't take Nicky long to join me on the rooftop, and she was kind enough to bring me some fruit and half of a buttered bun. As I ate, I gazed toward the south, but the barn must be past the bend in the road and the trees blocked my view.

No one had appeared on the road by the time Nicky and I finished our dinners.

"The archery area should count as a safe place," I commented to Nicky, checking the road once more to ensure we wouldn't stumble into three particular individuals.

"That depends on how you define safe," she retorted. "Have you seen my aim?"

"Unfortunately, which is why I always stand behind you."

"Glad to know someone has my back."

I snorted at how she twisted my words. Getting to my feet, I headed for the stairs, not dignifying her with an answer. She followed me with a wide grin.

Once we reached the dining hall, I slipped inside just long enough to dump my small plate into the water-filled bin by the door. The insanity and crowd were just as bad as they usually were during the dinner rush, which only solidified my resolution to avoid this place in the evening.

Nicky and I continued to the archery area. Some of the regular archers were already present, although the last three lanes had been left open for us. As we passed by, they nodded a greeting, which I returned. Their lack of concern still stood out, being unusual for people in the presence of a zombie. A few glanced at Nicky when she went into the archery shed, more worried about her aim than my proximity.

We had only shot a few arrows when Nicky looked over. "Hey, Ben! Glad to see you're still alive."

Ben shook his head as he approached, keeping a cautious eye on the weapon in her hands. "I still can't believe they let you fire a bow."

Nicky drew herself up as far as her short frame could manage. "I will have you know my aim has improved drastically since you last saw me. I dare you to put an apple on your head and stand in front of the target."

"Not a chance. I don't care who is shooting, I'm not doing it."

I wouldn't have taken Nicky's dare either. She might be hitting the target consistently now, but the target paper was half my size, and some of her arrows still occasionally flew over the backboard that was propped up behind the straw bale.

"Maybe Chloe will play fetch with my renegade arrows," Nicky mused as the fluffy dog tried to greet almost every human on the archery field at the same time.

The Virus Within: The Road Ahead (Book 1 - SERIES COMPLETED!)Where stories live. Discover now