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Chapter 59

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I silently jogged through the shadows as I continued to circle the Stronghold. This task suited me well, being quiet and peaceful. The half-moon gave plenty of light as I explored and learned the lay of the land. I pushed each lap farther out, so I was always on new terrain.

Having gone past the fields near the Stronghold, the last hour had been spent almost entirely in the surrounding forest. I had seen the barn earlier and smelled the Runners within, but I had no desire to go near it.

Being out and about at night was a refreshing change, one I had missed. My sunglasses had finally come off, letting me see everything around me without the tinted lenses interfering.

I took another deep breath as I examined the complex layers of scents in the air. My mind automatically identified the various plants, animals, and so much more. If I came across a plant with an unfamiliar scent, I often stopped to check what it looked like.

This far from the roads and fields, the smell of the Stronghold and its habitants was difficult to detect, even for my nose. The forest had a way of overwhelming distant odors, which I greatly appreciated.

The crisp undertone of a small creek grew stronger as I got closer. There was another damp scent, different from the creek, and I knew it belonged to a cave. I deviated from my path to investigate this noteworthy landmark. Anything that might offer shelter from the sun if my sunglasses got damaged was worth checking out.

The cave was easy enough to find, and I crouched down to peer into the small opening. It wasn't something I was going to enter on a mild whim. I'd fit into the tunnel, although I'd have to crawl on my hands and knees, and possibly squirm on my belly in a few spots.

I had no idea how far it went since the long tunnel rounded a corner. The air that lazily drifted out was laden with the smell of damp dirt and stone, enough that I was fairly certain this cave was at least half as large as the other one I'd found.

Another perk of its tiny size was that Daniel's wide shoulders likely wouldn't fit through the cave opening. Terrors also didn't seem to like tight spaces or caves, so I doubted he'd crawl in there even if it had been twice as wide.

It would be the perfect hiding place if I ever managed to thoroughly piss him off. Admittedly, if he was that mad, the chances of me getting this far were slim to none unless I commandeered a dirt bike or vehicle fast enough to evade him, but it was still a thought.

I circled the area around the cave, noting the trails, obstacles, and landmarks so I could find it again, even if I was sun-blinded and relying on my nose to locate this place. Between my sunglasses and my night vision, I'd never been in a position where I had to travel while blind.

As a test, I closed my eyes while continuing to navigate the forest terrain. Within five seconds, I stumbled over a root in the grass, and my eyes flew open as a growl left my lips unbidden.

Apparently, Nightstalker instincts didn't react well to being blind, even at night with no one around.

Grumbling under my breath, I kept going, this time with my eyes open. The night remained quiet with nothing other than wildlife and regular zombies being out and about.

Eventually, I started circling back toward the Stronghold, having gone farther than Daniel's trails. I wrinkled my nose as I passed through the outer boundary. No wonder feral Nightstalkers never crossed over it – even I didn't want to go through it. His scent was ingrained into that path so well it was practically like the Great Wall of China as far as my nose and instincts were concerned.

It took me all night, but by the time the sky started to lighten, I had pretty much covered every section of the land around the Stronghold. Other than regular zombies meandering along the road, I hadn't seen a single zombie tonight, although that didn't really surprise me. I wondered what Daniel would think when he realized my scent was all over the place.

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